My Country will Achieve Freedom

My country will achieve Freedom when
…we are free to express our genuine concerns, protests with peaceful and
non-violent methods;
…we are free to follow, choose, and practice the religion of our choice;
…our women, girls, children, and we can walk safely without fear day or
…our youth has a bright future within the country;
…our basic needs for food, water, shelter, education, work, etc. are
…our farmers and traditional craftsmen are provided with basic facilities;
…we accept diversity of languages, scripts, cultures, religions, food
habits, dress;
…we are free from violence, lynching, riots, militancy, terrorism;
…we accept and live the principle “Unity in diversity”;
…we protect our motherland from projects which lead to its ecological
…we develop smart villages with steady supply of electricity, water and
basic facilities;
…we are free from fascist, fundamentalist leaders whose hands are soaked
with blood;
…we have secular minded politicians, executives, and judiciary who abide by
the Constitution;
…we have educated and cultured selfless leaders who have a far-sighted
futuristic vision for our country;
…we can live as citizens accepting and respecting each person’s dignity and
…we need not wait for years, waste our energy, and hard-earned money to get
…we give equal opportunity to everyone to bloom and blossom in their field;
…we are aware of our rights and responsibilities as citizens.

Pratap Naik, SJ
15th August 2023

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