Changing nomenclature is not  progress

The citizens are too busy with routine and  drudgery  to be enamoured by
these gimmicks .It is  the favourite pass time of idle politicians to
create controversies and divert attention to more mundane issues..The names
of roads, states .and towns monuments  etc are changed  with vigour and
increasing frequency  that has neither enhanced  their worth  or added
shine and glow.On the contrary it has led to wasteful expenditure to
rewrite official records.To be in the lime light be industrious  and create
new projects to name them. The cricket  stadium is renamed after Arun
Jaitely and another in Gujerat.States  Districts,  Madras Bengal
,Mangalore , UP ,BOMBAY  etc but people care two hoots or consider it as
great contributions. The paranoia against Nehru and family will not
obliterate historical facts  by resorting to such cheap tactics.
Politicians glorify themselves more than any other citizen whose
contributions are path breaking  like scientists , doctors. Engineers
Lawyers sports people.  ARTISTS . Etc .Indelible gratitude accrues to
contributions and achievements and not just names . Sentiments and emotions
are attached to names and have historical background. THE next in line may
be India and then change  of constitution.The politicians smell foul with
their present names  and in order to wipe out the past associated with
their names , must first resort to this exercise.INdia will be saved from
dishonor, disgrace associated with politicians.  India will bask when
politicians  energe with new names and like a washing machines clean them
white..Just because they are in power  feel they are parents to christen
everything under the stone
Nelson Lopes Chinchiim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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