Proud moment for the Nation

Indians are proud fuelled by hysteric campaign supported by authorities  to
create a massive hype.True all issues are forgotten for a while.and
intentionally  so designed  even before touch down. Luckily worst fears
like last attempt are laid to rest.How long will euphoria be sustained. As
a common man asked what is there for thousands of us , just plain emotional
connect.How the scientific achievement effect our daily lives. Our power
fluctuates, taps are  dry.our signals fail to control traffic, our roads
have more crators than  surface of the moon
The byproduct of moon adventure must touch the lives of the citizens  in
some palpable way
Our scientific capabilities must filter down to improve life of citizens
.We are now enrolled in the club of four great Nations  and there the glory
ends .The life and living conditions of our vast  majority is anything but
Indians going on a hungry stomach  cannot swallow the pride of soft landing
on the moon.Our citizen must have access to clean drinking
water.shelter.two meals a day ,enough to clothe them in inclement weather,
access to health care, education  ,safety of women, .It is only then we
will reach the moon of growth and prosperity Ensure with vigour these goals
are achieved within time limits   so as to touch millions below poverty
line .Indeed the joy is like opium the effects will soon fade and we will
be back to square one  till another announcement of scientific breakthrough
that will catapult India  on the stage of fame and popularity.
Nelson Lopes Chinchiim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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