Salute the teachers

Parents brought us forth , teachers gave us new birth

Parents toil and nurture,  teachers open our future

Parents to clothe and feed,  perspire,.teachers motivate and inspire

Parents in our  life are a reality,  Teachers  clothe with character and

Admiration to Parents dare not hide , the teacher is a beacon and guide

Parents shower their affection,  teacher reaches to our  destination

Parents in life important role play,  the teachers potters  shape and mould
like clay

Parents and teachers have passed away , salute specifically  teachers to day

Parents give identity,   teachers aid face reality

Parents sacrifice suffer  teachers wear out like  chalk  best in life to

Parents , teachers need admiration and   praise but in honur of teachers, 5
Sept. a toast I raise
God and teacher stands before me now,to the teachers who guided me to Him I
Now that we are old  and  grown  ,faith in  teachers to be friends to
children our own.
The wonderful teachers of past , spell cast  will forever last.
We may forget their birthdays ,name,but ingratitude of their memory is
It is late to post greetings anyway , but on this day a prayer of gratitude
do pray
Nelson Lopes

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