Pollution is cause for worry

Rapid industrialization , progress and development has consequences and
comes with a price.The burning of fossil  fuels for transportation has
resulted in rise of temperature and melting of ice.  and flooding.Climate
change has led to massive rains  destruction, displacement..Nuclear  fuel
though clean has catastrophic consequences..The space is now flooded with
man made satellites albeit for  development.Moon , Mars are littered with
lost and other  rovers .Some asteroid and moons of planets  are invaded by
men..The air . Water and land are reeling under the burden of disposal
waste .The vital water and air needed for survival of human race is under
stress. Use and throw is a dangerous principle  for waste
management..Segration at source , collection and disposal by recycling  is
the solution.The proposal to treat waste at local levels is not a feasible
option..The beautiful landscape of Goa is an eyesore covered by dumping
waste .Western nation are luring   poor Nations  with incentives  to
accept  hazardous waste.Polluter pays is a  limitedoption..Banning all
types of plastic is not economically viable.Pollution is a slow poison to
wipe out humans  instead of astronomical collusion
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim.

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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