Origins of celebrations of feast of Nativity BVM
The ancestral Marian feast seem to have originated in 6th century.It was a
feast of dedication of church to Mary, now known as St Anne in Jerusalem.It
was believed to be the  dwelling of Joaquim and Anne where Mary was
born.Pope Sergius  in the 8 the century celebrated as the third feast of
nativity  of baby Mary along with that of Jesus and St John.The primary
event in the life of Mary is Annunciation.In the 10 th century , street of
Santa Sofia in Milan a Cathedral was dedicated to baby Mary  20.10.1572. by
Saint Charles Borromeo  and entrusted the popularization of the
celebrations  to Sisters of Charity Bartolomea  and Vincenze.
Sr.Chiara Isabella was passionate about Nativity and made wax statues
swaddled in cloth  between  1720..1730.It was in 1739 that Capuchin sisters
of BVM of Angels  in Milan gave a popular boost to the devotion.
Presently the feast is celebrated in many Catholic churches in Goa and
India. O.L.Valankani at Tamil Nadu draws yearly over 20 millions of diverse
faith seek the blessings , who throng  to the  miraculous site on 8
famous pilgrimage centre and year round.At Bandra in Mumbai ( Bombay)  is
another popular  site for celebrations of Nativity of Mary.In South Goa,
Chinchinim , O.L.Hope ( Mount Mary) the main feast is a big draw also  to
the faithful of surrounding villages on 8 Sept. not for any miraculous
reasons . The fairs spread over a week at Bandra , Chinchinimm which is an
attractive feature.Many other churches in the state celebrated Nativity of
Fr Nelson Lobo ,OFM has given insight into celebrations in Mangalore.
During the period of Portuguese  inquisition 1510  there was exodus of
natives to  North and South Kanara to avoid persecution and conversions and
those took roots there...Alphonso Alburqueque  in 1519 dedicated a Chapel
to Nosa Senhora de Monte. The Franciscan priests in 1526 began a devotion
to baby Mary  at Faringipet.Fr. Joaquim Miranda ,a Goan priest started the
celebrations in 1763.The reign of terror and persecution of Tipu Sultan
derailed the Christian movement for 15 long years.Fortunately it was
restarted with vigour in 1784 and continues to date. The traditions and
customs got absorbed and adopted as the part of celebrations. Fruits
vegetables were offered  as gifts of nature along with first   grain of
corn .Due to inculturisations the meals ,deserts were purely vegetarian
There is no definite source of origin of celebrations of Nativity of BVM
and whether it was originated in Mangalore or Goa. The devotion and
celebration by Christian community is all that matters.
Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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