Charity is part of  voluntary belief system ordained by religious and
sacred text.It is basically  a concern for distress of fellow humans due to
natural disasters of unimaginable magnitude, Or man made tragedies. People
respond  spontaneously and generously  to alleviate the sufferings as their
boundened duty of empathy and sympathy .Some scrupulous individuals ,
organisations try to exploit these  feelings and emotions for personal
gains.At other times it  may be  for  earning goodwill , popularity  as
social workers.It is the responsibility of donors to inquire how such
gracious  benovolence be it in kind and money will reach the desired
destination and thecprocess in place .It is definitely undesirable to have
blind faith .It is shocking to hear even the rumours  that respectable
organisations are diverting a part of it for noble but undeclared causes
simply because it has happened in the past . It amounts to betrayal of
trust  of the magnanimous donors as their good intentions are defeated.The
caution with materials donated too must be exercised  as sometimes a part
is secretely  diverted for unauthorized, undeclared  benefit.and it has
happened in the past too ..Be extra vigilant towards these fraudulent
organisations or individuals mascarading as honest sources.If the process
of distribution to the targeted audience is not assured or   is uncertain
it is futile to waste your  resources specially if  the beneficiaries  are
too distant or unknown.Our own causes however justified  cannot be attended
to by diverting even a miniscule  bit from the espoused cause .Those in
responsible authority must ensure or guarantee the donors of absolute
transparency of distribution in total whatever is collected for specific
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim
Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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