The journey ends .

 The last destination of journey will end soon.It does not matter whether
you are married  , singlre or widow etc.  Ruminating over the past,
evaluating the present  with hope for bright future is a futile exercise  ,
to grade your performance .It may be true that some have abruptly ended
their journey  of life midway while a few have reached the destination of
their planed  goals. It is possible that some are satisfied  and content
about fulfilling their tasks while many others lament and repent for
failing to achieve the grade as exemplary,, model  parents. Expectations
and reality are always relative.When expectations are high and too steep,
disappointments are natural consequences.As the parent the obligation
towards their upbringing is duty and obligation and not a special
favour.You cannot demand gratitude for your unending  sacrifices .But
remember if you have not cultivated or inculcated  this value in them ,
then you need to accept the blame.As a rule every one takes goodness for
granted. Over anticipating needs beyond requirements is not appreciated or
valued. recognized .Excercise spontaneity with limits without  giving the
feeling  of withdrawal  or reservations The limits and greed for more is
elastic even from your own as more is expected from those who provide
much.Reaction and response is visible only when things are curtailed
whether physical or emotional  .It is but natural that when children have
their own commitments and responsibility towards parents diminishes
proportionally.No wonder parents are left to fend for themselves or
confined to home care services.Those abroad for a living cannot be expected
to relocate themselves or parents for economic reasons. The old age homes
are thriving because of migrations of children.Financial aid does not
replace commitment as also part of duty .Even those that are economically
stable and comfortable the need for emotional bonding persists. The
neglection of parents is not intentional but driven by circumstances of
self promotion.The pitiful  conditions of those abandoned without any
considerations is sad. No parent ever curse for their miserable plight or
demand attention for sacrifices in return. IT is a . sad commentary that
they have passed away yearning to meet and see them. If you ever imagine
that life  of . parents with children provides security and insurance cover
is a misnomer  .On the contrary the life of unmarried bachelor's or
spinster is better in comparison is subject of  discussions.They have no
regrets over pains of sacrifices and ingratitude.But loneliness  specially
in old age with medical emergencies  are a great concern. There is non so
intimate to cry on nor confine their woes.The plight is similar to those of
widows, widower or abandoned parents.  Unmarried or infertile couples have
resorted to adoption as a security cover in old age.It has worked well in
some cases as human traits of ingratitude  are not limited to biological
offsprings alone.Their respobsibilities and commitments , sacrifices were
far less in comparison hence the heartaches of neglecting are not an issue
The problem is that parents invest all their resources  for the welfare of
the family without a thought for themselves on a rainy day.The greedy ,
selfish ones want to milk the parents dry even when alive or are gainfully
employed.Some are persecuted, coeherced  to legally transfer or are even
murdered for monetary gain.In the animal world the emphaty towards
protecting selflessly  offsprings  to the extent of death is admirable.True
there is no dependence as  in humans in old age.Increasingly though
parents  are   now a social responsibility for doles under social security
It's not an isolated story that children  care and concerns of aged parents
do not  sacrifice and are a comfort and physical and emotional
support.Life without bother of children is no alternative  of
selfishness..The parents in particular must share the blame for not
inculcating the value of gratitude and Indebtedness. It must be consciously
and continously  enjoined on them to express specifically the attitude  of
thankfulness  both by words and deeds.Both the parents  and children have
taken for granted  as an obligation and that is where the rot lies in human
relationships. Parents will never be disappointed  even for neglect and
abandonment  for inspiring them to always  be grateful by example and

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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