Fix liability for negligence

Mrs Odilia a young mother and her daughter met with fatal accident in which
the mother lost her precious life
Too long the authorities have
Scaped liability for gross negligence and indifference
Inspite of regd AD letters to the concerned authorities trees have been
uprooted on NH66  causing serious damage.No one sues the authority for
deadly negligence .and rightful compensation to the unfortunate victims
.More accidents are waiting to happen as diseased branches of trees spread
to the centre of roads .The safety  of motorists and vehicles is the
boundened duty of authorities jointly  concerned .Great inconvenience is
caused as the ailing mother is under her care and College going daughter is
now helpless without the mother as her dad is employed abroad .Never has
been a  suit filed  on public interests as it is done abroad .PWD division
of NH 66 ,Colector   VP must jointly be held for this murder of sheer
negligence.She has been active and dedicated footsoldier of APP ,which must
prefer an examplary appeal for redressal of grievances of negligence
Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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