Memorial to Dr Francis Luis Gomes
The thought of honouring  him is a great but belated  tribute , at the
sunset of political horizon.  .Monuments in today's times are a little
infractuous as the they act  as silent  sentinels of past forgotten
archival  history guarding the skyline.Many are unkempt gathering dust.To
the present generations it does not add to their collections of greats and
significants .At times public is ignorant about the identity of persona
behind the monument. .It may at best give a pictorial remembrance but
nothing more not  even a birds eye view  about his monumental
contributions of his times.  How does his monument benefit any soul  in
practice ? Instead  would  it not have been  better if his ancestral house
was restored and that itself would have been the best tribute to revive his
memory. Resolutions to that effect of MMC are gathering dust.It could have
then been converted into some sort  centre to serve the Villagers of
Navelim and visited often..Our Legislators  have been enjoying the
privileges  for donkey years  to have woken up at the fag  end of political
wilderness.Will this gimmick restore popularity of intended
comeback.People  cannot be fooled at all times.People are politically
mature to pierce through  the smoke screen of deceit . The  political
summersaults  and chameleon characteristics  are an indication of rank
opportunism for personal gains and that has been  the core of hidden
agenda  .The history of language and statehood  serves as a faded
historical  backdrop.Those who remained silent to give equal status to two
languages  and were neither  the foot soldiers or martyrs for the cause
 are hypocrites seeking limelight to resurrect from oblivion.The one who
mentored and brought into lime light of a flourishing political career did
not deserve a  token dime to perpetuate revered memory and is height of
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim.

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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