Politics is the best career

Any wonder  why many aspirants Tom , Dick and Harry aspire to be a
politician? .There is no minimum qualification. Age experience or skill
training .Contribution to political parties funds is a norm and winability
is a criteria  .The so called salary is designated as emoluments free from
any taxation  neither income tax or professional tax.Even if one works for
a day is assured of life long pension  making mockery of pension rules in
private and Govt requiring  minimum number of years to qualify . Other
enviable  perks  are free water ,  electricity, postage , phone calls ,
inverter worth 5 lakhs  , two or three  paid attendants for office. Free
travel by air ,road  for self and attendant, allowances to celebrate at
residences National and state  days .Subsidized food , allowances to attend
Assembly,travel allowance .Interest free loans to purchase luxury cars  and
flats worthover 40 lakhs . Quota of monthly fuel ,   Free medical treatment
in India or abroad with no limits.If it is quantified in monetary terms  it
will be mind-boggling  .Look at their assets before entering politics and
thereafter.It is envy of those highly qualified professional individuals
who cannot afford the luxury ,even upto to the date of retirement.Always
have to live on shoe string budget   There is always undeclared commissions
on various projects in their  Constituency which is a matter of.rule There
is always a fee to act as liason officer with Govt offices etc and
compensation for expediting services kept in hibernation for grease
money.An industrialist , entrepreneur has to slog for years , take
calculated risks , arrange finance , pay labour,  taxes  water,
electricity and can go bankrupt.Have you ever heard of any  politicians
going bankrupt or designated insolvent.In fact there are instances of them
acting as sleeping partners for profit and. share Their final worth runnig
into crores  only after a few years  as politicians , envy of any toiling
businessman.  No wonder politicians never wish to retire  as no such
retirement age of 60/62 " as long as they are elected  past 75 or 80.
Of late realization has dawned on Industrialists, who have entered and won
in political fray
Only if you are a politicians and in the ruling party all your dreams for
generations can be achieved and assured . The defections are understandable
for self development  and protection from prosecution of ill-gotten
gains.What is needed is finance and muscle power and recovery is  very
fast.No honest individual can afford to contest and without the above
factors never expect to win.  Look at the quality of some legislators
getting elected for sure
It is worth throwing the hat in the ring  , someone may at least  offer you
to withdraw like they do in tenders .
The career for being a politician will not be found in any brochure. THE
vguarded secrets are passed within the family that is how husband and wives
.sons and daughters, widows and widowers,  cousins  relatives get elected
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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