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Dear Friend,

If there is something that affects everybody in equal measure –
whether one belongs to the west, east, south or north, or one is a
student or a teacher, female or male, rich or poor – it is the
environmental issues we all are facing. We just cannot escape it, be
it the floods or the landslides, or the pollution or the other
problems that the climate change brings with it.

We obviously cannot assume that things will take care of themselves,
nor can we give up hope. Each of us needs to take responsibility and
get a better understanding of the issues and get our colleagues and
community involved in tackling them at our own levels. After all we
have an unwritten commitment to our own future generations, and we
need to do everything possible from our side to leave behind a world
that is livable at least, if not a better world. We cannot afford to
sit back and expect the Government to do everything for us.

We at the Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi
), are a globally recognized environmental think tank. We are also
equally conscious about the state of affairs, and have been doing our
own bit through our research and advocacy activities.

We have been consistently reporting on the environmental scenario and
its impact, through our magazine, Down To Earth
 (DTE), without a break since 1992. This has helped millions in
understanding and tackling environmental issues, better.

We are sending herewith a FREE digital version (PDF copy) of our DTE
magazine, for your immediate perusal. When you flip through this copy,
you will get an idea of its coverage, and how useful it would be in
keeping yourself updated.

Please download your free copy of the magazine by clicking the image
given below. This magazine is available in Print as well as in a
Digital version. You can decide to subscribe to either one of them or
both of them, along with the magazine’s unique Annual Issue, at a
nominal extra cost. More details are there in our online store.

 The DTE English magazine comes out twice a month, and would be an
excellent addition to your Library as well as for your own personal
use, to keep abreast of the latest environmental issues. By the way,
the DTE magazine is in its 32nd year. It was the first ever Indian
magazine on environment, and it still is, thanks to the support of the
thousands of subscribers and well-wishers like you, some of whom have
been with us ever since 1992.


We would be very happy if you could support an NGO like CSE, and join
hands with us in spreading the environment message among your
community, by subscribing to the magazine. You could even consider
sponsoring a DTE subscription to colleagues, friends or School and
College libraries in your neighbourhood, to spread environmental



You can order your DTE English magazine subscription by clicking our
online store image given below: 
If you want to order CSE’s books too, please click the image given




Click here

Click here <http://cse.mailinifinity.com/vtrack?clientid=2431&ul=


You could alternatively make payment by means of a cheque also, drawn
in favour of “Centre for Science and Environment”. If you have any
queries, please feel free to contact us.

We request you to consider supporting us by subscribing to our DTE
magazine. This would not only help you to remain updated on issues
that matter to you and your family but would also help us in a big way
to continue with our research and publishing activities, and keep this
magazine alive.

Could you please support us and join hands with us in this noble cause
which would make a big difference to our part of the world? Thank you
very much.

Yours sincerely,



T R Ramachandran

General Manager

Email: rchand...@cseindia.org <mailto:rchand...@cseindia.org>

Centre for Science and Environment

41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area

New Delhi – 110 062



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