On Wed, 3 Jan, 2018, 11:06 Stephen Dias, <steve.dia...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Readers of Herald
> The news is spread like fire throughout the state of Goa in this  NEW Year
> 2018  due to changes have taken place for those who are used to go online
> and Herald is the paper which  Goans now cannot read online from today
> onwards unless the payment is made as per their terms and conditions for
> payment procedure.
> This was shocking news for all of us. Most of us are used to get up in the
> early morning, even at 3 AM or 4 AM  onwards and go to the computer to read
> the news but surprisingly Herald cannot be accessed if payment is not made
> in advance. Those Goans who are settled abroad must have also got the
> shocking news or jerk and especially those staying in Gulf, Canada, UK,
> Australia, US and other parts of the world will not get the VOICE OF GOA
> instantly if payment is not made, and who knows slowly other newspapers
> will follow the same system. This will give another jerk for Goans if all
> other newspapers follow the same tactics.
> Herald said this amount is just a peanut and it cost less than a cup of
> tea. Fine, I agree but how many people go for tea in restaurants/cafe's  as
> they most of them prefer to have tea at home in the morning,  but the
> newspapers are a usual style for Goans even before brushing teeth to see or
> read the paper online.The cost of newspapers in Goa is only Rs 5/- for
> Herald, Navhind Times, and others are still less than that. I am not
> surprised that this cost also will increase for all the newspapers in days
> to come.
> New Year started with a bang on Herald to read this paper on LINE which is
> so bad?
> Will the owner of Herald take it back?  All the newspapers get
> advertisement enough and thus make their expenses well calculated. This way
> Voice of Goa will come down and people may not know what is happening in
> Goa until they buy Herald paper through their agents or stalls etc.
> Therefore the speed of spreading news fast will be curtailed and hence
> people will get used to staying home with no news till lunch break thus NEW
> YEAR we can say gave us a  set back for those who are accustomed to reading
> Herald early in the morning on LINE.
> What about writers?   why do they not get their pocket money once they
> write some articles or letters to the Editor? They too should be given some
> benefit since they waste their time and petrol cost for their
> bikes/vehicles, photography etc to get the news promptly to the newspapers
> and none of the papers so far thought of them except for their usual
> columnists who are well satisfied and almost same writers is been
> benefitted and not others. Will that trend of payment will start for these
> writers? Let all get their benefit of some pocket money including the
> owners of newspapers.
> Stephen Dias
> Dona Paula
> Dat:  3th Jan 2018
> mob: 9422443110
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2018 13:23:33 +0530
> From: Frederick Noronha <fredericknoron...@gmail.com>
> To: Goanet <goa...@goanet.org>
> Subject: [Goanet] Herald's epaper to go 'paid'
> Message-ID:
>         <
> camcr53k2ore_binx05dsqbujmkq9uo+zibojebnidjspofv...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Herald, the Goa-based newspaper, has announced that its online epaper will
> go paid from January 3, 2018.
> It's announcement in its newspaper today showed up on its front page, and
> was headlined: "Nominal monthly subscription for Herald's epaper from Jan
> 3. At Rs 4.30 per day, Herald requests its family of readers to support its
> paper's digital evolution."
> After saying that the paper was being read "in the eastern hemisphere...
> (and) in the extreme West of the world" the paper this would help it to
> "enhance and maintain the quality of the epaper and at the same time invest
> in making the website cutting edge (sic) coupled with additional news
> gathering efforts, we need to imbibe the best technology and news gathering
> resources."
> FN

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