Hi Mervyn, 
Thanks for the missing part of the poem. 
I wonder whether you have one piece that tells the whole story of the life and 
death of Your Dad, stepmother and half siblings. 
I have bits and pieces that I can put together but I am not sure that it will 
tell the complete story.
One question is that: Dad told me that your Dad had retired and was asked to 
return to his post in Nairobi because of the war time shortage of staff but you 
say that he was in Goa on leave and was returning back to work. I feel that I 
asked you this question before and the answer must be in my records, sorry for 
the duplication but it is quicker than searching in my notes. 
Pole na kazi. 
    On Saturday, October 14, 2023 at 12:53:33 PM GMT+3, Mervyn Maciel 
<mervynels.watuwasha...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 Dear Darell and all,

My apologies for not checking that my original
poem was not reproduced in full. Here are the
missing verses - with apologies again!


“He smilingly said, “I’ll come back soon ,
But we knew not death would call so soon!

So soon God’s Summons,
So quick the deep sea
Did swallow them all, O Destiny,
No time to say, goodbye,
No time to say , Wait,
Death’s cold gatekeeper
Had  opened the gate!
  And now that he’s gone we can murmur not,
But trust in God for that’s our lot,
And trusting in Him who reigns on high
We’ll patiently wait till the end draws nigh.
  Then Daddy and Mummy
Soon shall we meet
When death has silenced our last heartbeat
 There shall we meet forever and ever,
In Heaven so beautiful, we shall part - No NEVER!

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