State of Palestine
The aspirations are legitimate of vast majority of Palestinians who  are
refugees.Gaza was in possession of Egypt and West Bank with Jordan  What
prevented sympathetic Arabs Muslim Nation of achieving  that dream ? IN
1967  Gaza was with Palestinians  and Israel withdrew completely .Under
Oslo agreement why Palestine state was not formed within a period of 5
years.Where is PLO in Gaza and West Bank .The leader  of PLO is settled in
Jordan  and if reports are to be believed  owns an empire of 800
Crores.Similarly Hamas leader too is owning16000 crore empire.The
impoverished Palestine are fed with poison against Israel.The aid that
poured in has not reached the ordinary Palestinians  but is diverted for
tunnel  economy,stockpiling of arms and creating an army of terrorist just
to decimate the State of Israel.PLO no where states that Hamas is an
authorised  organ fighting for their   cause.On the contrary Hamas has
practically obliterated  PLO subjugating it with pressure and intimidation
into non performing Organisation. Palestinians  do not support Hamas  at
all.The writh of  PLO is non existent in either corridors of so called
Palestine home land
The ganging of Arab Nations Iran, Iraq , Jordan Turkey Oman , UAE,Syria,
Saudi Arabia and Russia on the fence   with various threats on oil front
,hostage crisis  are  pitched against the might of USA, France, and other
western powers includig India firmly standing with Israel on savage acts of
terroism on innocent Israelites for provoking the retaliation in self
defence.The danger of engulfing  the region is real threat  by strikig the
nuclear facilities in Israel . ISRAEL has vowed to finish Hamas never to
repeat the scenario once again .The attack on Hospital on the visit   of
Biden is deliberate  to confuse  , gain sympathy and divert attention.Iran
has capability to reach protected, nuclear  targets in Saudi Arabia, the
position of Nuclear Pakistan  is uderscanner.

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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