Sports encouragement
Holding of 37 National  Games in Goa, hopefully will give a filip to all
disciplines besides economy and tourism.  National Games  are a platform
for spoting  talent for  international competions.  .The enhanced grants
,cash  incentives , training , infrastructure  and other  schemes are good
signs.Goa has a prominent  place on soccer map of India Bruno coutinho and
Bramanand Sankwalwar are docorated with Arjuna Awards.The promotion in
other sports discipline must receive  equal attention.Goa is toying with
the idea of Sports University and is welcomed. Parents and schools do not
encourage sports due to employability. A  miniscule few find  placements in
sports as the career. There seems to be adverse correlation between
academics and sports.Promotions of sports persons are hindered by lack of
Education.Though Academics and Sports are two faces of Education ,schools
largely  glorify academic achievements for their standings..School schedule
of timings are not  conducive to promotion of sports activities.Besides
students at every level are occupied with coaching after school hours..Govt
has substantially increased grants to States but political patronage rather
than  performance is  not the barometer.Cash incentives , training  ,
infrastructure  is an encouraging sign.Sports need to be promoted
systematically at grass root level, schools , colleges , Universities.The
participation of women is on the rise  breaking glass ceiling.Cricket Board
is encouraging othersports discipline and payment to women is on par.
Sports competitions among Nations is fierce like war seeking recognition
and ranking and glory. .India's  participation at International level is
fortunately on the  ascendancy  beyond cricket and hockey.Indivuduals with
talent must be identified and groomed with all facilities including
nutrition and boarding.Setup  academies  in various disciplines
.Reservations for sportspersons in employment etc will motivate them. After
staging Asiad a long gap for Youth Olympics  in 2030 and bid for Olympics
in 20 36 is the distant  National goal is the focus
Parents have still to recognise that emoluments to sports person are very
attractive and need no educational qualifications.

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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