Mother's shock of her life

It is unbelievable, unexpected but  true.The mother was estranged from her
husband quiet early in life with a baby daughter to bring up and educate
.She  was a house wife with no professional  skills.But with great personal
sacrifice and determination ,she fulfilled her tasks and responsibility  to
the best of her ability. She was indeed a social worker , daring and bold ,
who went out of  her way not only to come  to the aide of her own family
but was really a good Samaritan to those in distress.  She was involvelled
in social activities in  the village  to a large extent.  As she was very
polite and friendly  , she won admirers and welwishers for rendering
services  .Agriculture, animal husbandry,catering orders  , medical skills
and stitching    were her main stay to  support herself and
the.daughter.She did receive  ocassionaly some financial offerings from her
friends  to tide over emergencies..The ancestral iheritancec advantage  was
denied to her and she was an  outcast.Even  staying  at residence was
looked upon with suspicions of legal claims and that too inspite of being a
live wire in all family matters .Fortunately she had a small plot of
ancestral property  in the heart of the village with access. It was her
life's  dream  to build a  shelter  to fall back  in uncertain
circumstances.It was indeed a monumental task even to contemplate.She did
start and finally completed it after many years without obligatory debts ,
entirely  with support from wellwishers ,friends and her own seasonal
savings .Imagine the process with lack of any financial resources in hand
.It took her years of persuation to make it haitable though she has not
occupied it ever.It was incomplete in many ways for long  but with
provision of electricity and tap water  .Her daughter had absolutely no
contribution  in  this project facility', neither was she in any position
to contribute. Basic requirements were put in place to occupy it in an
emergency.  She breathed a sigh of relief when her daughter was educated
an gainfully employed to at least fend for  herself  and it did not
totally  improve her  dependence on self for sustenance...She did manage
with great difficulty to settle her in life. The husband with no steady job
and  with  his frugal lifestyle  did  burden the family with a sibling fell
on her lean  shoulders .She too has  to struggle with gainful activities
like her mother to make both ends meet .Her own child educated and has a
temporary opening for ticheaplyme being and has long road to traverse in
life.The mother in advanced age battling medical infirmities has to board
with her daughter and undergo all humilities  of being dependent  and has
no where to go.Close family members want to avoid any liability  to the
extent of even expressing sympathy to her predicament
In a shocking surprise her little , life long possession built with her
sweat and brow was snatched away from her and disposed of cheaply without
considering prevailing proces and to a  person of another faith.She was not
being  informed of plans to dispose off very selectively  forget about
being consulted or sharing any proceeds of sale which her daughter has
usurped for meeting her own liabilities .The old lady is now rendered
homeless.She repents for giving legal rights in  good faith  in case of any
circumstances that might arise.She is now  totally depressed and
inconsolable at the treachery of her own .The.oblique remarks , snides make
her suffer in silence and indication of being an unwanted burden. She has
now no where  to go, including her large ancestral residence which at the
moment is  unoccupied and closed  for her too.How can a heartless ,
merciless child forget the   extreme sacrifices  in her life and giving her
a foothold to start a life of her own. The parents invest all their
savings, energies for the welfare of their children without reservations
and thought for themselves in their worst circumstances Today she has to
solely depend on irregular  Govt dole for senior citizens .The medical
conditions on movement is adding to her mental woes.She laments very
painfully  that the best option may be to take refuge and shelter in  old
age home.The thought is uncomfortable being unwanted , dispossessed  and to
bear, swallow silently  with patience  caustic jibes of humiliation .It is
wisdom and experience that parents without sentiments  reserve funds to
meet expenses in old age , specially when they are likely to be burdened by
insensitivity and  abandonment. No parent ever deserves such a disgraceful
treatment , insensitivity and when physically , mentally   is unable to
bear. Natural retribution will certainly follow  however distant in time
line. AS you sow shall you reap.The torture  and agony to parents will
never go unheeded and chickens will come home to roost they say . Be  wise
and cautious  not distribute  any assets before you expire .
Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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