The gloom and darkness at  sunset

Sweet memories  forever  to last
Three years  quickly have flown past
Lonely, silently lies  in the darkness of the grave
Pretend  as humans to be bold  and act brave

Prayers only means  to touch now
To the destiny and will of divine bow
Hope and belief   for a better tomorrow
Futile to wish away pain and sorrow

 Expectations   have  shattered  all hope
 Ruminating  over monumental loss  to cope
Hold on to memories that still remain
A solace to ease agony and pain

It is futile to hold tears or curse
The situation is bearable if not worse
God gives and takes away
His way is not  our way.

A wonderful gift  to cherish and rejoice
The alternative neither option or choice
A sorrowful and tragic  end
No ray of light at turn and bend

Briefly  with fragrance filled the air
Your departure inconsable agony and dispair
Dreams and plans end up in smoke
Touching last  words resound  that you spoke

Wonder silently   reason and cause
Futile to ruminate ,blame to pause
Destiny and will takes its course
Belief in faith situation is not worse

A niche in our hearts   will always  find
A wonderful gift of Divine to remind.
Precious memories you leave behind
A soul so compassionate and kind

Right and just to give praise and glory
A destiny 's end to a sorrowful story
Not alone  to bear pain and suffer
Best to thank and gratitude to offer

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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