The latest Goan Observer has an entertaining take on this alliance of the most corrupt and the most communal, and Rajan Narayan's Stray Thoughts is ear to the ground, as usual. Will try and post excerpts in a few days

Perpetrators desperate to revive RP2011: Lok Shakti

MARGAO, JULY 27 - Lok Shakti has apprehended that attempts to destabilise the elected government are a conspiracy of the perpetrators of the infamous scrapped Regional Plan 2011 in a desperate bid to revive it.

“The nexus between communal, corrupt and the opportunist politicians, as feared by Lok Shakti during election campaign, has materialised and BJP’s mask of so-called high ethical standards in politics is fully exposed”, stated Lok Shakti President Dr Francisco Colaco. He said it is obvious this lobby has been extremely agitated of the Assembly that all constructions violating the prevailing rules and carried out under the defunct RP 2011 would be frozen. “The fact that the architect of the RP 201 is the main player in the attempts to destabilise the government is enough proof of the role of that diabolical plan in this attempted coup”, he said. Further, he said the role of the BJP in these nefarious machinations is more than evident, considering that they are now overtly and more than ever colluding with the “architect” of the scrapped RP 2011. “The open admission by Calangute MLA, Agnelo Fernandes, that Rs 20 crore were offered to him to ditch the government, lends further credence that desperate attempts are underway to restore the monstrous RP 2011. Dr Colaco called upon the people of Goa to resist any attempts to destabilise the government, which appears sincere in its resolve to bury the RP 2011 and to formulate, in consultation with the Goa Bachao Abhiyan and all stakeholders, a new plan that will safeguard the interests of Goa. Lok Shakti has vowed that it will not remain silent at this renewed conspiracy to destroy Goa. “It was the people of Goa who compelled the last government to withdraw the RP 2011. It is now up to the same people to be vigilant and prevent their MLAs, whichever party they may belong to, from joining the conspirators for the sake of power and lucre.

Question everything -- Karl Marx

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