I am re-sending a response I posted, in cyberspace terms, a millennium
ago, that is, yesterday...

What stands out for me in this post is the preponderance of Catholic and
Goan journalists in the Times of India in the Bombay of those days. Imagine
a Catholic Staff Association in a newspaper in cosmopolitan Bombay today --
impossible, right? The size of the Catholic cohort in the media in Bombay
may still have been quite formidable in the early 1980s, going by the fact
that Cardinal Pimenta called a press meet of Catholic journalists when I
was with UNI news agency, or perhaps it may have been the Times. I confess,
though, that I smirked at the idea of such a gathering in a nationalist
India and acted quite unconnected with the retards present because I no
longer attended Mass, like I was above such sectional dos!
What stupid, immature idiots we are in our youth!
I wonder if a Catholic Staff Association still exists in the Times today.

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