To be or not to be  a Minister
The as pirating of any MLA  is to be in the cabinet.Without this position
they see no development of self or of the Constituency.  None ever
proclaimed ideology  before elections  apart from being wedded  to that of
the party they represent.The allurement to defect is rank opportunism  or
to protect tumbling of skeletons of corruption in their cupboards. No one
can be sacrosanct or adopt holier than thou attitude.The fact to win
is proof  of pudding in eating.The so called poaching is another face of
the same coin of defections. Veteran politicians dyed in the ideology of
parry have no qualms to defect en mass.Why should only some occupy
Ministerial berth in every successive Ministry and why should  there be
limit of tenure once or twice..why GFP  or MGP with lone member  secure a
berth? The recent defectors into BJP are kept on hold,guessing  for endless
time.Having received their enormous  booty for their rank disloyalty  or
assurances against  prosecutions are loath to raise a voice of dissent or
even feeble grievances.Their mouths are shut and rendered dumb as they have
now no where to go .Look at the classic  delay about case of defections
inspite of SC directive for speedy disposal  and that is a bonus for the
long life of survival of the defectors. Kamat the leader of the pack is
languishing  in wilderness of political ambitions rubbing  salt to his
wounds  of ego by induction of AKEX sequeiro ,resurrected from political
death. His apology agter inductions is ridiculous exercise in self defence.
BJP is effectively  playing game of cat and mouse with the defectors The
South which has largest representation  of MLA'S  in the Assembly is being
gloated of just one Minister  in Tha cabinet of 12 sanctioned.Cabral has
been politely nudged out voluntarrily as he says to for a berth to another
catholic , a dispensation fault lines of religion Which CM dares to touch
Mouvin or Monserate ensconced safely in their position.?Speculations about
reasons is bull wash as the promise of redemption must  be obliged .CM in
the waiting is seen genuflecting before the mightiest   in humility and
subservience with the hope of elevation. The tirade of BJP against DYNASTY
politics is an amnesty to Lobos , Mobserates. RANES and latest Yedurapa
while the scion of Parikar denied opportunity to solemnly uphold spacious
reason.Nepotism ,corruption is rampant except that there is no effective
opposition to raise the stink. The disparate members outside BJP fold  are
unable to present a united voice for  fear of threats and indirect
intimidation .They are at best playing to the galary as saviours of Goan
populace  and consolidating their insecure future in politics When  will
sun shine on the prospects  of KAMAT  the most popular MLA of Margao
sidelined to diminish his stature  in public with the snub of waiting
indefinitely for the promised loaf of vital bread  of power and position.It
is a storm in a tea cup of BJP  strategy.Fortunately Davlikar is the rare
species  of survival
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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