_/       Goa Random Research Links (Dec 2023)

Lourenco Noronha.  Lecturer (1974-2009) for Swahili
literature at the Institute for African Studies at the
University of Vienna.  African Institute of Professional
Studies, University of Vienna.  INTRODUCTION TO THE SWAHILI
LITERATURE.  First part.  Pre Uhuru literature: From the
beginning to 1961.  As of: April 2009

          Lourenco Noronha.  Lektor (1974-2009) für Swahili
          Literatur am Institut für Afrikawissenschaften der
          Universität Wien.  Taasisi ya Taaluma ya Bara la
          Afrika.  Chuo Kikuu cha Vienna.  EINFÜHRUNG IN DIE
          SWAHILI-LITERATUR.  Erster Teil.
          Prae-Uhuru-Literatur.  Von den Anfängen bis 1961.
          Stand: April 2009 http://t.ly/xGUgz

BOATS IN GOA: [Zeeshan Alli Shaikh*Archaeology, Faculty of
Humanities, University of Southampton, Centre for Maritime
Archaeology, Southampton, UK] Goa is a small state on the
west coast of India with an area of 3,701 km.  Its geographic
position ismarked by 15048 00 00 00 N and 14053 0 54 00 N
Latitude and 74020 0 13 00 E and 73040 0 33 00 E Longitude.
Major rivers, such as Zuari and Mandovi, and minor rivers,
such as Sal, Tiracol, and Chapora, flow in Goa.  Goa shares
its boundary with Maharashtra state in the north, in the
South with the northern part of Karnataka, in the east with
the Sahyadri mountain range, and in the west with the Arabian
Sea.  Sandy beaches separated by rocky headlands, cliffs, and
broad estuaries have fashioned the coast line of Goa.  Such a
geography and geomorphology have contributed greatly to the
development of a boatbuilding industry and distribution of
different types of traditional boats.  Traditional folk songs
of Goa often mention Vodem which means boat.  There are boat
motifs portrayed on ancient memorial stones (Fig.  1) which
suggests that the people of Goa were aware of the art of
boatbuilding from ancient times (Gaur & Kerkar, 2007; Kamat,
2008).  The people of Goawho have continued their profession
of fishing and preserved their traditional knowledge about
boatbuilding till today are locally known as Kharvi.

          LANGUAGE-KONKANI: A Hisotrical and Political
          Sociological account of the Dynamic status of
          Konkani Langauge in Pre-Liberation Goa, India:
          Joanna Coelho http://t.ly/la0mU

FRESHWATER FISH: Tetraodon fluviatilis Goa: Vinay
Padate/Subhash Sawant.  Taxonomy of Freshwater Fishes Present
study describes a new record of the freshwater green spotted
puffer Tetraodon fluviatilis fluviatilis based on detailed
examination of four specimens collected from the
bay-estuarine regions of Goa.  Differences between the
present specimens and original description with respect to
color pattern (on the back, flanks and caudal fin) are
elucidated.  http://t.ly/v6zIp

          Pius Malekandathil, " Jews of Goa and the Trading
          world of the Indian ocean, 1000–1650:, in Shalva
          Weil (ed.), Jews of Goa, Primus, New Delhi, 2020,
          pp.6-39 http://t.ly/TCMxq

Goa secrète.  Goal Setting, History of Goa Sigilla, revue
transdisciplinaire franco-portugaise sur le secret , n° 13,
Oriens-Orientes, 2004, pp.99-123.  Sigilla, Franco-Portuguese
transdisciplinary journal on secrecy, n° 13, Oriens-Orientes,
2004, pp.99-123.

SN.  1983.  Mid-Holocene fossil wood from Colva, Goa.
Current Science 52(16):778-779.  The fossil wood was dated by
the radiocarbon method as 6430 +/- 110 years BP.  The
location of the fossil wood in the lithosection demonstrates
that the horizon lies about 1.5 to 2.5 m below the present
sea level.  Thus, the stratigraphic location of the Colva
wood and the radio carbon date of the wood suggests that
during the mid-Holocene, the sea level was lower than the
present.  http://t.ly/r1m1g

          SMALLPOX IN COLONIAL GOA: Bastos, Cristiana.  2009.
          Borrowing, Adapting, and Learning the Practices of
          Smallpox: Notes from Colonial Goa: This article
          addresses colonial state policies towards smallpox
          in 19th century Goa.  The picture that emerges from
          an alaysis of health services documents suggests a
          broad variety of coexisting practices.  While the
          actions of some of the Portuguese head physicians
          epitomized the conflict between state-sponsored
          vaccination policies and local prefereences for
          smallpox inoculation, others showed sympathy for
          and developed arguments in favour of incoulation as
          practised by indigenous experts.  Still others
          observed the existence among the population of
          hybrid practices combining elements of vaccination
          and innoculation.  The diversity of Goan
          combinations along with the violence/collaboration
          continuum should be interpreted within the context
          of current trends in the analysis of smallpox in
          British India -- which replace the paradigm of
          vaccination : variolation :: state violence :
          native resistance with a more nuanced understanding
          of a variety of combinations throughout the
          subcontinent in the 19th century.

Sardessai and Goa in the 1960s: D.A.  Smith.  This essay is
taken from "Avante, Goeses, Avante!  The Portuguese Poetry of
Laxmanrao Sardessai" (Goa1556, 2017), where it serves as the
introduction to the collected poetry of Goan writer Laxmanrao
Sardessai, translated into English by D.A.  Smith.

Offline Recognition of Devanagari Script: A Survey.  R.
Jayadevan, Satish R.  Kolhe, Pradeep M.  Patil, and Umapada
Pal.  http://t.ly/6641b

Compiled by FN/Frederick Noronha
For research-related discussions

FN * +91-9822122436 * 784 Saligao 403511 Bardez Goa

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