Rebirth of Christ called merry Christmas

Do catholics believe in reincarnation as faith? JEUSUS Christ was born over
2000 years ago.    It is a historical fact. The  advent in the wisdom of
church is legitimacy that spiritually aims to  prepare for the coming of
Christ in order to revive faith  and convert us  into  a living army of
believers of  christ ,These rituals ,traditions, customs are routine not to
have changed hearts and minds to be believers of faith and ideals  ,a
purpose to fulfill the prophecy of Christ..Why was christ born  ? Christmas
for the commercial world  is a big business ,capitalizing on sales of
symbols ,stars,wines , trending cloth lines, lights, cards ,bells, tree,
candles, christmas father,etc.Then there is a turkey,
dances,get-togethers,  'dinners, cribs ,carols,competitions  and
decorations,gifts  that are more  a routine   In some countries it starts
with  rituals  on first Nov. with all trappings of variety of costumes,
goodies  that focus mostly on young minds. It is a big draw to for
industries that catch and promote on sentiments
Christmas preparation proceeds round the year to cater to people's fancies
and imaginations You thought that Catholic Church is devoid of these
ritualistic traditions and customs.It is also an ocassion to generate
financial resources of great magnitude under noble guises of service to the
society Merriment and enjoyment is ultimate hidden agenda
Apart from regular Church services of mass,look at the emphasis laid  on
symbolism and merriment  accompanying the season In Goa there is exclusive
variety of sweets that are symbolic depicting the taste of the ocassion.
Christmas is disguised in the name of faith to enhance business interests
and activities that have nothing to do  with the purpose of birth of
Jesus.The stress on external activities takes away the focus .It is all
grandiose ocassion like first birthday  The idea of belief that our
changed  hearts  and a attitude of mind , material sacrifices to be offered
at the feet of baby Jesus  is a hollow idea to give it a legitimacy.  The
ocassion by and large is towards self, merriment in the name of new born
Jesus. THE amount of time resources spent on self gratification ,attending
Church services
Christ was offered expensive gifts by the Kings in recognition of status.
To whom we visit with gifts ? HOW much thought and resources even
symbolically  is spared towards others ,who need more than gifts The
lonely, orphaned, widowed, those in prisons, languishing in hospitals,even
in our neighbourhood,  forget about  those suffering in distant countries
 ,The Church too is busy feathering it's establishment with tokenism and
the hypocrisy is  writh  large and woe to those who dare to challenge or
float an alternate view of dissent Christmas celebrations increasingly are
turned inwards for material satisfaction  with a dash to look inward and
show semblance of  concerns, feelings towards those less fortunate   what
then is the significance of A MERRY CHRISTMAS  for whom and how and by whom
I wonder
The  balance between materialism selfishness  ,spiritual significance  must
meet to make it meaningful
It is definitely a choice of individuals or collective consciousness,  as
how to commemorate  a joyful event meaningfully  without guilt complex
imposed  by faith and belief  Let every individual catholic extend
personally what charity needs to be done  directly without making or
assigning the church as an agentv to fill the void

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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