>“A Kannadiga friend yesterday was telling me that our state will be the
first to honour me with an award before my state does. I said my state
(Maharashtra) has done the greatest honour by putting me in jail. I am very
thankful to Siddaramaiah <https://indianexpress.com/about/siddaramaiah/> and
the Karnataka government for honouring me with this prestigious award.”

>"Teltumbde, an accused in the Bhima Koregaon
 case, added, 'This is not my personal award. It is actually an honour for
all the faceless and countless activists who have been struggling for
making this world better for people to live.'”
‘My state has done the greatest honour by putting me in jail’: Anand
Teltumbde after receiving Karnataka’s Basava award
Sanath Prasad
February 1, 2024

Teltumbde says the award is ‘an honour for all the faceless and
struggling for making this world better for people to live’.

Speaking after receiving the award, Teltumbde said, “A Kannadiga friend
yesterday was telling me that our state will be the first to honour me with
an award before my state does. I said my state (Maharashtra) has done the
greatest honour by putting me in jail. I am very thankful to Siddaramaiah
<https://indianexpress.com/about/siddaramaiah/> and the Karnataka
government for honouring me with this prestigious award.”

Teltumbde, an accused in the Bhima Koregaon
case, added, “This is not my personal award. It is actually an honour for
all the faceless and countless activists who have been struggling for
making this world better for people to live.”

Teltumbde also said that Basavanna’s vachanas were progressive and that the
12th-century philosopher had rejected all forms of social discrimination.

“I have read Basavanna’s vachanas and I was very impressed that it had a
very progressive tone. I find that he carries the lineage of Lokayata,
Buddha and down to Marx. He rejected all sorts of rituals and social
discrimination that existed then. He rejected even gods and temple worship.
But he valorised compassion,” said Teltumbde, who was allowed by the NIA to
visit Bengaluru for two days to receive the award.

Teltumbde was among the 75 eminent personalities honoured with lifetime
achievement awards by the Kannada and culture department for 2020-21,
2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24.

The Basava Rashtriya Puraskara honours an individual’s contribution to
social reforms and work for bringing about communal harmony.

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