Attached is this month'snewsletter on issues affecting GEMs. The topic is:  Ram 
Mandi Temple and Religious Architecture. The focus of this presentation isa 
timely and often overlooked topic of the Economics of Religion. 
Knowing and understanding the past helps us tounderstand ourselves better.  
There was a time when Goa was overflowing with Religious Tourism, which added 
to the economy. Grasping the scope of one’s inheritance should givea more 
nuanced base to make our decisions. To the diaspora, the land has the ashes of 
theirancestors and is the abode of our deities and saints. We hope to unfreeze 
theevents by presenting to the readers the when, why, and how of past events.  
We hope you enjoyreading this aspect of GEM history.  There is a lot of ‘food 
for thought.’Please forward these articles to your relatives, friends, peers, 
Indian andIberian chat sites. Sharing history is sharing our cultural heritage; 
and thework is for us, by us. Thank you for allowing us to share this with you.
Philomena and GilbertLawrence,Authors: Insightsinto Colonial Goa,Published via 
Amazon inpaperback and e-book.Fordetails about the book and authors see: 
Insightsinto Colonial Goa.

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