February 15 2024

Put it down to a fair amount of travel in these first few weeks of 2024,
including a fabulous birdwatching trip in the Sundarban Tiger Reserve in
West Bengal: I'm so far behind on sending out my Mint columns here that I
had lost track of the backlog.

So let me try to make amends, a few at a time.

Speaking of 2024: consider yourself lucky to be alive this year (and
reading this, why not?). Because this is a tetrahedral year, and the last
one was 1771, and the next one will be 2300. I don't think you'll be alive
for the next one.

But that sad realization apart, what is a tetrahedral number, in this case
2024? Well, they are built on triangular number, which in turn are built on
the integers. All of which hints at one of the fundamental things about
mathematics: patterns.

But there's more to discover too. Including something that applies to this
year that may apply even better to next year (remind me then).

Take a look at my Mint column for Jan 5 2024: Year of the tetrahedrals and



Year of the tetrahedrals and triangles

Meme that's making the rounds this week: This new year, 2024, is

What does that mean? No, it has nothing to do with those containers various
juices and milk and the like come in. Then again, maybe it does. Tetrapaks
were originally crafted as tetrahedrons - thus their name - but at some
point they morphed into today's ubiquitous cuboids.

Before your eyes glaze over, let me explain. Cuboids are box-shaped objects
- tetrapacks, sweet boxes, cartons, like that. Tetrahedrons are pyramids on
a triangular base. This means they have four sides - the triangle at the
bottom and, rising from its sides, three more triangles that meet at a
point on top. The earliest tetrapacks had this shape. I'm not sure why or
when they changed, but you can still occasionally buy things in a
tetrahedral tetrapack.

With that pyramid in mind, imagine a small experiment to build a
tetrahedron. Start with one small marble, that you place on a table. Not
much of a tetrahedron there, but indulge me as I call it that: looks like a
sphere, but imagine it as a tetrahedron. Now pick up that marble and lay
down three more, touching each other to form a triangle. That's the
triangular base. Place the first marble on those three, forming a two-level
pyramid using 4 marbles. There's a tetrahedron again, and this time you can
certainly discern the shape. Four identical equilateral triangles form the
four sides.

Next, a one-step bigger pyramid - three levels. Lay down six marbles to
form an equilateral triangle. On top of it, place three more as above,
forming a smaller equilateral triangle. Finally, a single marble on top.
Once more a tetrahedron. Once more, four identical equilateral triangles -
bigger ones, of course - form the four sides. You've used 10 marbles this

There's a series forming here: 1 marble, then 4, then 10. 1, 4, 10 ...
What's the next number? That's the number of marbles you need for a
four-level pyramid. You will start with a base that uses 10 marbles, for a
tetrahedral total of 20.

That is, 20 is the fourth tetrahedral number. Keep going like this,
building ever taller pyramids, and eventually you'll have crafted a pyramid
that uses 253 marbles at the bottom and rises 22 marble levels from there.
That gives us the 22nd tetrahedral, which is ... yes ma'am, 2024.

Savour that. It's probably been at least 150 years since the last human
died who was alive in the last tetrahedral year, 1771; and it will probably
be at least 170 years until the first human is born who will see the next,
2300. So you and I and the rest of humanity today are rather lucky to live
through a tetrahedral year: this one, 2024.

Still, even with my suggestion to savour it, I imagine all this doesn't do
much for you. These are just more numbers, after all. Except,
mathematicians know that when it comes to numbers, there are endless
patterns to discover - which is what fuels their research efforts. So with
tetrahedral numbers.

For example, take the series of numbers I've also touched on above, that
make up the successive triangular bases of the pyramids. That series goes
like this: 1, 3, 6, 10 ... They are called the triangular numbers. Of
course, the 22nd entry there is 253, the base of the tetrahedron that has
2024 marbles.

Look at that series like this. You have crafted a given tetrahedron - say,
the two-level pyramid with four marbles. To now produce the three-level
pyramid, you need your existing one to sit on top of a triangular base made
up of six marbles. That is, the third tetrahedral number is the sum of its
triangular base and the second tetrahedral number. More generally, any
given tetrahedral is the sum of its triangular base and the previous

That will persuade you that the triangular numbers are the successive
differences between the tetrahedral numbers. So a little thought -
visualize the pyramid if you like - takes us here: a given tetrahedral
number, then, is the sum of its triangular base and every smaller
triangular base. Or as a mathematician might put it: "The nth tetrahedral
number is the sum of the first n triangular numbers."

And remember, you can form those triangles by successively laying down one
marble, then two just below, then three below those, etc. Which process
shows that adding the natural numbers, or integers, gives us triangular

Triangular numbers have their own charms that have fascinated
mathematicians for centuries. There's a famous story, possibly apocryphal,
of how a boy named Carl Friedrich Gauss, who grew up to be one of the
world's most influential mathematicians, found the formula that produces
any given triangular number.

But the triangulars also turn up in the just-as-famous "handshake problem".
Suppose you are at a party at which everyone shakes hands exactly once with
everyone else. Question that I'm sure you have puzzled over at many
parties: how many handshakes?

The answer is in the triangular numbers. Let's say there are six people
there: you, me, Priya, Rahul, Alain and Dhana. You start, and shake all
five hands. Since I've already shaken hands with you, I shake four other
hands. Priya has shaken hands with you and me, so she has to shake three
more. On we go down the line to Dhana, who has no hands left unshaken. You
can see: the number of handshakes is 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 15, the 5th
triangular number.

The point of all this? Again, the patterns. We like to find something
special or unique about the numbers around us, like 2024. That it is
tetrahedral is certainly unique to this particular moment in human history,
as spelled out above. You may or may not find meaning in that, sure. But
there are those who do, and who even go digging for more. Fuel, remember,
for ever more research efforts. Truly, there's no end to the patterns we
can discover in numbers.

All of which brings me to another meme that's making the rounds this week:

2024 = 2^3 + 3^3 + 4^3 + 5^3 + 6^3 + 7^3 + 8^3 + 9^3

(The sum of the cubes from 2 to 9.)

Which is pretty enough, you'll agree. But as the mathematician John Allen
Paulos pointed out on Twitter, we might want to wait till next year, when
this pattern will be "even a bit more remarkable".

Small puzzle for you: Why does Paulos say that?

My book with Joy Ma: "The Deoliwallahs"
Twitter: @DeathEndsFun
Death Ends Fun: http://dcubed.blogspot.com

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