Gratitude a virtue to be cultivated.

Disappointments loom large at ingratitude .This virtue is the distinctive
mark of individual personality and best attribute and qualifications to
wear on lapel.  The attitude of gratitude  is the glue that  binds
relations into  inseparable  bonds.It is noticed that behaviour and signs
of indifference  of  ingratitude,  spring from only those recipients of
this free largesse. The   example in Bible  of 10 cured leppers  of curse
is exemplified by Christ .Only one of the ten returned to show gratitude
.It is human nature to ignore may be out guilt of indebtedness or feelings
of uncomfortable ness  for receiving charity .It is also  desire to forget
the past and not to be reminded  of pitable state .It  is absolutely normal
to expect ingratitude on our way and life  from all human contacts
The parents struggle to elevate the status of children through sacrifices
and self denial.Often  they return with ingratitude.Abandon  elderly,sick
and helpless to their fate.Parents are unwanted, neglected or assigned to
old age homes Many are dependent on public charities and social doles to
bear the bare minimum .Parents are harassed for their inheritance and
subjected to mental brutality and physical abuse.Parents never considered
gratitude  ,if they were certain of it they would have secured their
future. .The love of parents is boundless beyond expectations of
gratitude.The act of doing good is for goodness sake .The wonderful
attitudes  behaviours ,actions of some moves the world ,society to greater
heights. If expectations of gratitude were main  and only considerations
,then limitless charity at all levels would have grounded to a
hault.Nations   ,Societies  individuals  come to succour of affected  in
disasters  wars, natural calamities without any knowledge of who the
beneficiaries are .The self satisfaction of acting with good intentions to
provide relief  to those in distress is in itself biggest reward .Gratitude
is not interest on fixed deposits on works of charity to draw as a security
hedge . Purpose, motivation ,inspiration would be casualty if gratitude is
sought as compensation .Parents , teachers  ,passionate social workers or
activists  are doing their duties for which they are paid.and hence there
is no obligation or favour to nurse   remorse in not acknowledging.  The
contrary is also  true not being bound and  to use their discretion of non
commitment. It  is said that only 01% may be responsive  at best ,but
acknowledgement is not pre requisite for charitable dispositions
There is no doubt that this virtue may be imbibed  by induction from
experience.It has definitively to be taught   .instilled at all stages by
conscious Our Trust enjoins on recipients to address compulsorily  a thank
you  within 7 days and students paid on receipt of it only . Thank you is
all compassing simple,  effective  means.This is the best expectations that
soothes the turbulent mind of feelings of ingratitude  .The false pride of
humility in acknowledging  favours even as obligations  need to be
discharged.Gratitude indirectly can be elevating experience and
inspirations to  continue with redouble energy.The sacrifices in sharing
resources, time, company, and words of appreciation and recognition  need
to be reciprocated .Ungrateful individuals are ashamed of their past
circumstances .Gratitude does not imply ,prostrating ,touching feet by
recipients or being indebted for life.. Gratitude is also displayed by
reciprocation similar acts  towards others  in  identical  circumstances.
An employed  student helped substantially  found excuses galore  when
requested to aid another .The negative attitude that it provided an
opportunity for self fulfillment is abhorrent.Charitable institutions fill
a void , because of inherent desire to assist those  destitute in need
.EXPRESSING   "THANK YOU" IS ALL THAT IS NEEDED materially  , by a simple
smile , visit  ,message or a call.
The virtue of gratitude in actions wins  lasting  friends   and must not be
delayed indefinitely .Gratitude is milk  of human kindness , a garment of
beauty and a precious gift in human relations
Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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