Konkani is an excitingly complex language because it has gone through
different historical situations down the ages. Because they found it both
appealing and useful for their labours the foreign missionaries made
numerous attempts to bring Konkani to 'book' so to say. Being familiar with
the Roman script they applied it also to Konkani but faced a lot of
challenges. Some of the challenges persisted till date. So, there was
always a felt need to satisfactorily explain the syntax of the language. An
attempt therefore has been made to put into perspective some of the
grammatical relations found in the Konkani language. Some doable
suggestions have also been made in overcoming some of the existing
challenges and facilitating further the use of the Roman script for
inscribing Konkani.

Emigration, Tourism, In-migration and Occupational Diversification in
Betalbatim - Goa-
Author Name: Afonso M. Botelho | Format: Paperback | Genre : Reference &
Study Guides | Other Details
Amidst the soothing cadence of the crashing waves and the whispers of
coconut palms, this book showcases Betalbatim, as more than just a
picturesque seaside village in Goa, India. Delving deep into the
socio-economic fabric, it unravels the connections of emigration, tourism
and cultural influences that define the village’s identity. The chapters
unveils the layers of Betalbatim’s transition from its colonial past to its
bustling energy of contemporary times. At its core, the book is more than
an academic inquiry—it is a powerful testimony to the voices and
aspirations of Betalbatim's inhabitants. By amplifying their stories and
struggles, the book serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring vitality
of village life besieged by the currents of change. Whether you are a
scholar, a historian, or simply a curious explorer, this definitive study
offers unparalleled insights into the vibrant tapestry of Betalbatim's
past, present, and future.
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