First April  designated as April  fool
Pranks appear  real and cool
Unpectedly to pull over wool

Sometimes so serious the fun
Forced to walk or  made to run
Unexpected pranks surprised everyone.
Some believed  the  gospel truth like none

The newspaper will close from  today
Transport is on strike they say
Innocent people  hope and pray
Turned out to be jokes to lead astray

At times the jokes  were serious
To check the veracity , were not curious
On April fool day  were  taken for a  ride
Joys of deception no reasons to hide

Messages looked true and real
Coming as  from close friends not trivial
A little fun meant to enjoy
To deceive and surprise the ploy

April  first people are aware now
Difficult to surprise  anyone somehow
The fun is lost and so the charm
April fool pranks  continue ,intends no harm
Nelson Lopes


Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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