Nari Shakti
The appeasement of women is a battle  cry of elctions season.Women are
treated below the last cast category   It is a fact that women are not only
50% of voters, but are more determined to vote in large numbers. WOMEN
voters can tilt the scales of victory and margins.It is grim picture
regarding  girl foeticide,  sex determination dowry deaths, malnutrition
ofgirl child , education, trafficking ,  divorces ,ancestral property
rights , child marriages, employment disparity in emoluments ,rapes,
murders etc are not a focus    of priority
There are some specific schemes of  women and Girl centric.and these are
tailored for vote bank politics. Women have no religious roles, no
membership of organisations like RSS,Bazrang Dal. Central Party  execurive
membership.In State  Assemblies, Raja Sabha, Lok Sabha reservation of
33%plus is not enforced either for election or  ministerial position One
women  PM.,President Finance minister is a formality .BJP does not have  a
single  women CM .Mahila Mandals spring up during election season ..A mere
reduction in gas price,or doles  are  to woo women voters and not women
empowerment .Schemes of free  education,  free bus rides, Scholarships ,
matrenity and health care, nutrition , women entrepreneurs, self help
groups, widow remarriage ,domestic violence ,banning of sex detremination
tests, age of marriage for girls   ,employment openings  in armed servies
are welcome few  measures emeliorating  their woes.Their predominant role
is restricted to child bearing and rearing  and back breaking domestic
chores.Much has been done,  but much more remains  to be done for women
 liberation and empowerment
Education alone leads to upward  mobility in all sectors.No focus in
Manifestos on women issues
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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