Words are pearls of wisdom

When a person  is holding responsible , high  position,he should weigh his
words very  carefully .Once spoken they canot be retrieved.Much damaged can
be done due to misunderstanding  and misinterpretation .It can also
destroy the credibility of the speaker .Dignity  expected  and respect one
commands ,thoughtful considerations is paramount in our utterances.Person
in high office cannot act  like a clown or comedian to generate laughter
by use of cheap vocabulary. Such jibes might produce peals of laughter  or
thunderous  sounds of claps and applause
.Appeasement to basic instincts  has limited value.Criticism  must be
carefully articulated  to avoid prrsonal  attacks  to maliciously lower
image in public eye .Those in high office must realise   the futility  of
derogatory   ,  demeaning   , subtle remarks to evoke   sympathy  to win
applause.  and strike at character assassination .Such cheap  gimmicks and
mean behaviour   shows the opponents  in a bad light  in order to crush
dissent  and opposition
The disparaging utterances,  caustic remarks are seen  towards opponents
 are speculations of unfairness.  Those in power  ,position  assume their
role as not negotiable or discriminatory
How  best do defeat the process of  winning  is not easy to decipher  the
process. Jokes or encounters are no substitutes  for reasonable
for healthy adjustment ,rather  then adopt  blind  positions to enhance
pivotal positions in the face of  reality
Powerful speakers do not entertain  but enlighten  ,educate .Leaders of
repute choose their words carefully  not to offend  or hurt anyone's
feelings .Words are like piercing swords that must be used selectively and
wisely to deliver a message  without authoritarian arrogance of status or
position of power
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

 subtle ,offensive

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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