By: Karan Thapar
Published in: *The Wire*
Date: June 5, 2024
*Note:* The interview is in English and the transcript is embedded in the

"In an interview with his biographer to discuss whether Narendra Modi will
be temperamentally and psychologically able to adjust to the different
circumstances he will face as Prime Minister in his third term, now that
the BJP no longer has a majority and Mr. Modi will be dependent on his
allies to survive in office, Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay says it’s most unlikely
that old Mr. Modi will become new Mr. Modi.

Mr. Mukhopadhyay, the author of ‘Narendra Modi: The Man, The Times’, says Mr.
Modi is by character and attitude used to having his way and accustomed to
close centralized control of the government, enabled by his Party’s
majority, and will find it very hard to become a consensual Prime Minister
who has to listen to, give-in to and share with his allies.

This interview is not about the policies Mr. Modi will follow or the
political strategies his government will devise during his third term as
Prime Minister. Instead it addresses one simple single question or,
perhaps, two. First, how will he adjust and accommodate himself to the fact
that, despite his multiple predictions and boasts, the BJP has lost its
majority and, despite his claim that mother Ganga has adopted him, his own
performance in Varanasi shows he’s lost over 3 lakh votes between 2019 and

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