By: Amy Goodman
Published in: *Democracy Now*
Date: June 19, 2024
*Note: * This interview is in English and the transcript is embedded in the

"We speak with Israeli American Jewish scholar Raz Segal about the
University of Minnesota's move to rescind a job offer over his comments
early in the war on Gaza, when he characterized the Israeli assault as a
'textbook case of genocide.'

Segal was set to lead the university's Center for Holocaust and Genocide
Studies, but after two board members quit in opposition to Segal's
selection and a smear campaign led by the pro-Israel group Jewish Community
Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas (JCRC), the school revoked
the offer. Segal says he has been 'targeted because of my identity as a Jew
who refuses the narrowing down of Jewish identity to Zionism' and calls the
JCRC-led opposition a 'hateful campaign of lies and distortions' and 'crude
political intervention.' 'This was a completely legitimate hiring process,'
states Segal. He says rescission of his offer 'spells the end of this idea
of free inquiry, of academic freedom, of research and teaching — and all in
the service, of course, of supporting an extremely violent state.'"

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