>"He [Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Vatican ambassador to the
United States] has called Pope Francis a liberal 'servant of Satan
demanded his resignation
 and suggested the Vatican’s Swiss Guards arrest the 87-year-old pontiff. Now,
after receiving years of withering verbal attacks, Francis appears to have
struck back against Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Vatican
ambassador to the United States and the pope’s most ardent internal critic."

>"Such trials are exceedingly rare, and the move underscores a recent
effort by the Vatican to take more formal action against a gaggle of
archconservatives who have sought to undermine Francis’s papacy from the
inside. Conviction could lead to Viganò’s defrocking and excommunication.
It would end the long career of the 83-year-old Italian cleric who has
emerged as the leading symbol of a traditionalist resistance to a papacy
perceived by him as wildly liberal."

>"Viganò said in a statement
<https://exsurgedomine.it/240620-attendite-eng/> that he saw the
'accusations against me as an honor.' He referred to Francis as he always
does, eschewing his official title and using his name before he was pope:
Jorge Mario Bergoglio."
By: Anthony Faiola and Stefano Pitrelli
Published in: *The Washington Post*
Date: June 21, 2024

Viganò, who once called for the resignation of Pope Francis, is a former
Vatican ambassador to the U.S. and the pope’s most ardent internal critic.

ROME — He has called Pope Francis a liberal “servant of Satan
demanded his resignation
 and suggested the Vatican’s Swiss Guards arrest the 87-year-old pontiff. Now,
after receiving years of withering verbal attacks, Francis appears to have
struck back against Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Vatican
ambassador to the United States and the pope’s most ardent internal critic.

The Vatican’s disciplinary body, the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the
Faith, issued a formal decree, made public by Viganò
<https://x.com/CarloMVigano/status/1803761251668914405> on Thursday,
assigning the senior cleric to a penal canon trial. The charges: the “crime
of schism” and “denial of the legitimacy of Pope Francis.”

Such trials are exceedingly rare, and the move underscores a recent effort
by the Vatican to take more formal action against a gaggle of
archconservatives who have sought to undermine Francis’s papacy from the
inside. Conviction could lead to Viganò’s defrocking and excommunication.
It would end the long career of the 83-year-old Italian cleric who has
emerged as the leading symbol of a traditionalist resistance to a papacy
perceived by him as wildly liberal.

On Thursday, Viganò said in a statement
<https://exsurgedomine.it/240620-attendite-eng/> that he saw the
“accusations against me as an honor.” He referred to Francis as he always
does, eschewing his official title and using his name before he was pope:
Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

“It is no coincidence that the accusation against me concerns the
questioning of the legitimacy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and … the
ideological, theological, moral, and liturgical cancer of which the
Bergoglian ‘synodal church’ is the necessary metastasis,” Viganò wrote.

Viganò hasn’t made many public appearances since calling for Francis’s
resignation <https://www.celam.org/aparecida/Ingles.pdf> in 2018. But he
has continued to deliver stinging missives on X and the conservative U.S.
outlet LifeSiteNews. He has also talked about creating a seminary free of
Vatican interference.

Francis has for years tolerated open dissent, including v
within clerical ranks. But as criticism has grown louder in recent months,
the Vatican has taken more decisive action. Bishop Joseph Strickland of
Tyler, Tex.
 was stripped of his diocese, while American Cardinal Raymond Burke, who
frequently spoke at conservative conferences that excoriated Francis, lost
his pension and Rome apartment.

It’s possible that the most severe punishment has been reserved for Viganò.

He was ordered to appear at the Vatican’s disciplinary office on Thursday
and told that he would be tried in absentia if he didn’t, according to
document advising him of the charges. It was not clear if he had presented
himself after publicly signaling his defiance.

On Thursday, that Vatican’s secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin
told journalist in Rome that “Archbishop Viganò has taken some attitudes
and some actions for which he must answer.”

“I am very sorry because I always appreciated him as a great worker, very
faithful to the Holy See, someone who was, in a certain sense, also an
example. When he was apostolic nuncio he did good work.

“I don’t know what happened,” the Parolin said.

Anthony Faiola is Rome Bureau Chief for The Washington Post. Since joining
the paper in 1994, he has served as bureau chief in Miami, Berlin, London,
Tokyo, Buenos Aires and New York and additionally worked as roving
correspondent at large.

Stefano Pitrelli is a reporter in the Rome bureau for The Washington Post.

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