Concept of immortalisation

A tendency ,traditions to live beyond death .The politicians in power
monopolize in  naming   airports ,museums ,   bridges ,musical tributes,
biographies,  stadiums ,  ports , road naming,  institutions,  social
projects  erect  statues  of themselves ,print  on currency notes  ,coins,
postage   stamps et al at public expense. Citizens treat them with disdain
and is  merely a  destination ,not to ponder about their achievements
Statues of themselves like Idi Amin ,Mayawati  were  for obvious reasons.
Statues tend to  be vandalised to release public anger and confined to
museums .Many are in a state of neglect,come alive  on ceremonial ocassions
A welcome and beneficial act to establish institutions like hostels
,hospitals,  Educational Institutions, old age homes, research
centres,public libraries  , widow  rehabilitation ,orphanages , etc
Some have founded endowments and grants for education,  Skill  perfection,
deputations for first hand  experience in other countries that serve a
useful purpose
Tournaments , lecture series,  in  memory of some are praise worthy.
At indivual level, potos ,niches in cemetry ,naming some ,offsprings.
 Private acts of citizens are on a higher platform of recognition  with
love,  respect and devotion
How long can we meaningfully remeber our loved ones not beyond two
generations. The achievements at best are relevant to times and not
eternally significant..The memories can be perpetuated  when acts are
benevolent in nature .Helping others in the memory  of loved ones is a
better option.New generation will not have the same reverence  to past
glorified past .

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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