A warm embrace  is a  meaningful  gesture  of demonstration in public of
deep  affection and love . One cannot use it indiscriminately  like using
one brand of  soap  to wash all laundry. It should be reserved  according
to level of personal and  degree  of intimacy    of  relationship  The
British  even resort to a kiss , not lip locking  , a physical act to
demonstrate  a degree of  close
 relations.  A warm handshake is a universally accepted , way to greet. The
pressure of handshake  ,period  conveyes  the depth of  feelings  towards
the other as a welcome sign.   .During covid pandemic , keeping  a safe
physical distance  was the order of the day  to prevent  spread of
infections. It is during that pandemic the Indian style of Namoste  spread
like wild  fire. According to our tradition and custom  the wishing of
ladies by Namaste  was a preferred  choice as physical contact with
opposite sex  in public was considered  a taboo.Even to this day ,this
dignified practice  is  not in
  vogue and not given a go bye.The female is treated with respect and
honour  .The practice of
  salute and bowing  too  is common with some Nations.   A physical
embrace  is limited to a very intimate relationship  between relatives
,couple, siblings and even then embracing ,kissing a female traditionally
is unacceptable under public glare . The  mode of kissing the hands of  a
lady  is sometimes tolerated in some cultures .In India Namaste is our
cultural pride and wishing with folded hands with a slight dip of posture
is considered respectful and dignified behaviour.  As the world comes
closer,  the social, cultural  practices   get imitated   adopted   to
demonstrate closer ties.Hence the National customs undergo transformation
to suit the changing times.It is also   extended to National dress  though
not strictly adhered to .India has also adopted of raising  of welcome
ceremonial toast  with   wines and alcohol. National leaders  maitain their
pride by conversing  in their official language with translators  , even
though fluent in Universal languages .In India  up today the husband does
not   hug the wife in public Some communities lock lips publicly at weddig
ceremony for compulsory photo opps
Hence a welcome by a kiss,handshake an embrace  is medicaly cautioned  as
prevention of transmission of contagious diseases.A dignified bow, a salute
and Mamaste  are safest  precautionary approaches  from  personal safety
concerns .  Remember Caeser was stabbed  in a treacherous  act of friendly
embrace  by trusted Brutus. Judas in Christianity  betrayed Jesus by kiss.
PM Rajeev Ghandhi  luckily escaped unhurt in Sri Lanka welcome parade ,
which has led to a norm, protocol  of  maintaing safe distance for
dignitaries eversince. Mrs Ghandhi assassinated  by her trusted guard on
In adopting reforms our cultural traditions need to  be observed  as our
garment of National  pride  in official meets

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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