Gõyant Romi lipicho konknnicho vapor, drixttikon, ani mukheloponnak
punrjivit korpacheo 101 veuharik paulam // 101 practical steps to
revitalise the use, visibility, and prominence of the Roman script Konkani
in Goa:

* Promote Konkani Literature: Publish more books, magazines, and newspapers
in Roman script Konkani. Especially non-fiction, which is crucial for
knowledge-generation and dissemination.
* Educational Curriculum: Create and integrate Roman script Konkani into
school curriculums, and beyond.
* Language Classes: Offer Roman script Konkani language classes for all age
groups. These should be encouraged outside of Goa too, as done in places
like Bombay/Mumbai.
* Digital Content: Create websites and apps dedicated to Roman script
Konkani. WhatsApp groups for instant communication can be particularly
created and used.
* Social Media Campaigns: Use social media to promote Roman script Konkani
through regular posts and updates. Use simultaneously translations where
possible, so more people can understand and learn.
* Cultural Festivals: Organise festivals celebrating Konkani literature and
culture. With a special focus on [officially-neglected] Romi.
* Workshops and Seminars: Conduct workshops on writing and reading Roman
script Konkani. Build the next generaiton of Romi readers and writers.
* Radio Programs: Broadcast radio shows in Roman script Konkani, and
dialects related to the Romi script. If official space is not available,
promote and support online initiaties in the Daizpora, like RadioMango.ca
(Canada), Sushegad Daanpar (NZ)
https://www.planetaudio.org.nz/susegad-danpaar and the Southampton
initiative on Facebook (Konkani Uloi London Fuloi @ Awaaz 99.8 FM
http://alturl.com/y2pmv ).
* TV Shows: Produce TV shows and news programmes in Roman script Konkani
and affiliated dialects.
* Song and Music: Promote songs and music albums in Roman script Konkani
and dialects.
* Poetry Readings: Host poetry readings and recitations in Roman script
* Drama and Theatre: Encourage and support tiatr, plays and dramas in
dialects connected with Roman script Konkani.
* Online Forums: Create online forums and discussion groups for Roman
script Konkani writers and associated dialects.
* Libraries: Stock libraries with Roman script Konkani books. Build
visibility of Romi books.
* Community Centers: Set up community centers focused on promoting Roman
script Konkani.
* Bilingual Signs: Use Roman script Konkani on public signage along with
other languages.
* Translation Services: Provide translation services for documents into
Roman script Konkani. Build more translation skills among youth and others.
* Academic Research: Support academic research on Roman script Konkani.
This is a very important need.
* Contests and Competitions: Organise writing and speaking competitions in
Roman script Konkani.
* Literary Awards: Establish awards for excellence in Roman script Konkani
* Tourism Promotion: Use Roman script Konkani in tourism materials and
guides. Create 'learn basic Konkani' guides or e-guides for tourists or
visiting expats, in Romi.
* Government Support: Advocate for government policies supporting Roman
script Konkani. Make a strong legal and moral case against discrimination.
* Historical Documentation: Document and publish the history of Roman
script Konkani. Promote visibility of works which already do so (eg on Romi
* Partnerships with NGOs: Collaborate with NGOs to promote Roman script
* Parish Bulletins: Promote and support the visibility of Roman script
Konkani in church parish bulletins. Help magazines like Ixtt, Gulab or
Rotti to gain more subscribers.
* Cookbooks: Publish cookbooks in Roman script Konkani.
* Folk Tales: Collect and publish traditional folk tales in Roman script
Konkani. Use brief English translations to enhance understanding by more
potential readers.
* Children's Books: Create and distribute children’s books in Roman script
Konkani. Check out potential of Romi on sites like storyweaver.org
* Storytelling Sessions: Organise storytelling sessions for children in
Roman script Konkani.
* Local Authors: Promote works and visibility of local authors writing in
Roman script Konkani.
* Podcasts: Launch podcasts in dialects associated with Roman script
* Comics and Graphic Novels: Produce comics and graphic novels in Roman
script Konkani.
* Cultural Exchange Programmes: Establish cultural exchange programs
focusing on Roman script Konkani. These can be within the State or outside
the State too, with Daizporic communities (including those using other
disempowered scripts, like Kannada-script Konkani, Malayalam-script,
Perso-Arabic, etc).
* Literary Clubs: Form literary clubs to discuss and promote Roman script
Konkani works.
* Translation Projects: Translate international literature into Roman
script Konkani.
* Online Courses: Offer online courses for learning Roman script Konkani.
* Merchandise: Create merchandise with Roman script Konkani text, like
T-shirts and mugs.
* Film Subtitles: Provide subtitles in Roman script Konkani for movies.
This is increasingly easy to create, using Free Software tools or
YouTube.com subtitling options.
* E-Books: Publish e-books in Roman script Konkani.
* Audiobooks: Produce audiobooks in Roman script Konkani.
* Language Certification: Introduce certification courses in Roman script
* Public Readings: Host public readings of classic and contemporary Roman
script Konkani literature.
* Literary Journals: Start literary journals dedicated to Roman script
* Mobile Apps: Develop mobile apps for learning and practicing Roman script
* Bilingual Education: Implement bilingual education programs in Roman
script Konkani.
* Mobile Libraries: Use mobile libraries to reach remote areas with Roman
script Konkani books.
* Blogging: Encourage blogging in Roman script Konkani.
* Language Preservation Projects: Initiate projects aimed at preserving
Roman script Konkani.
* Heritage Tours: Conduct heritage tours highlighting the use of Roman
script Konkani.
* Sign Language: Develop sign language resources for Roman script Konkani.
Also convert Romi texts into Braille, with permissions from publishers.
* Public Announcements: Make public announcements in dialects associated
with Roman script Konkani.
* Civic Education: Use Roman script Konkani in civic education programmes.
* Interactive Games: Create educational games to teach Roman script Konkani.
* Street Plays: Perform street plays in dialects associated with Roman
script Konkani.
* Documentaries: Produce documentaries about the Roman script Konkani
community and language.
* Recipe Sharing: Encourage sharing of recipes in Roman script Konkani.
* Cultural Associations: Form cultural associations to promote Roman script
* Local Media: Increase coverage of Roman script Konkani in local media.
Romi pages or sections could also be supported in mainstream papers. Build
skills to support the same.
* Festivals and Fairs: Set up stalls at festivals and fairs to promote
Roman script Konkani.
* Days: Celebrate special days dedicated to Roman script Konkani.
* Inter-Generational Programmes: Promote inter-generational programmes to
pass down Roman script Konkani.
* Multimedia Resources: Develop multimedia resources for learning Roman
script Konkani.
* Language Exchange: Create language exchange programmes with other
* Language Ambassadors: Appoint language ambassadors to promote Roman
script Konkani.
* Youth Programmes: Develop youth programs focused on Roman script Konkani.
* E-Newsletters: Start e-newsletters in Roman script Konkani.
* Public Libraries: Establish sections for Roman script Konkani in public
libraries. Even if each has a few books, but is active, it's worth it.
Elibraries can also be thought of.
* Heritage Preservation: Document and preserve heritage sites associated
with Roman script Konkani.
* Religious Texts: Publish religious texts in Roman script Konkani.
* Local Festivals: Integrate Roman script Konkani into local festival
* Corporate Sponsorships: Seek corporate sponsorships for promoting Roman
script Konkani.
* Community Projects: Involve the community in projects promoting Roman
script Konkani.
* Media Partnerships: Partner with media outlets to feature Roman script
Konkani content.
* Tourist Attractions: Use Roman script Konkani in tourist attraction
* Language Documentation: Document the Roman script Konkani dialects and
* Public Campaigns: Launch public campaigns promoting the benefits of
learning Roman script Konkani.
* Local History: Publish local history books in Roman script Konkani.
* Interactive Maps: Create interactive maps in Roman script Konkani.
* Festive Greetings: Use Roman script Konkani for festive greetings and
* Culinary Events: Host culinary events where recipes are shared in Roman
script Konkani.
* Language Advocacy: Advocate for the recognition of Roman script Konkani
at the state and national levels.
* Photo Essays: Publish photo essays with Roman script Konkani captions.
* Community Radio: Set up community radio stations broadcasting in Roman
script Konkani. Net radio can be supported (see above) and extended too.
* Youth Ambassadors: Appoint youth ambassadors to promote Roman script
Konkani in schools.
* Public Competitions: Host public competitions in writing and speaking
Roman script Konkani.
* E-Learning Platforms: Utilise e-learning platforms for teaching Roman
script Konkani.
* Cultural Tours: Organise cultural tours highlighting Roman script Konkani
* Book Fairs: Participate in book fairs with Roman script Konkani
* Corporate Communication: Encourage corporate communication in Roman
script Konkani.
* Volunteer Programmes: Start volunteer programs to teach Roman script
* Local Markets: Use Roman script Konkani in local market signage.
* Language Clubs: Form language clubs dedicated to Roman script Konkani.
* Publications: Increase the number of publications in Roman script
Konkani. Books, magazines, emagazines, etc. Support and write for existing
* Educational Materials: Develop educational materials in Roman script
* Awareness Campaigns: Conduct awareness campaigns about the importance of
Roman script Konkani.
* Senior Citizen Programmes: Engage senior citizens in teaching Roman
script Konkani to the younger generation.
* Civic Engagement: Use Roman script Konkani in civic engagement and
community meetings.
* Language Apps: Develop language learning apps for Roman script Konkani.
* Festive Parades: Include Roman script Konkani banners in festive parades.
* Virtual Events: Host virtual events to promote Roman script Konkani.
* Interactive Storybooks: Create interactive storybooks for children in
Roman script Konkani.

These steps can help increase the visibility and use of Roman script
Konkani, ensuring its preservation and growth in the cultural and social
fabric of Goa.


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