Appreciation not motivation


The purpose of acts of kindness is not  expectations
The bye product  may be publicity or appreciation
What we can ,when we can we must ,attend
Be proud or publicise  our actions defend

Acts of goodness  never let to cease
Intentions of benevolence  are not to  please
Joy of satisfaction earned   to be at ease
Drifting aimlessly thus  gets  a new lease

An act  of kindness radiates a  sad face
A difficult situations not everyone will embrace
Leave persons in lurch, take to flight
A good Samaritan  makes the  burden light

Extending help seek not return favour
Blessed by Divine sacrifices and labour
Make the situation  a better place to live
Efforts must really hurt to give

A word of sympathy, emphaty too brings relief
Generosity  must be rooted in faith and belief
Magnanimity not a sign of plenty to spare
Inspired by humanity is  duty to care

Difficult to judge situation genuine or fake
In good faith decisions we make
Desire to help springs  from our heart
Social concerns  for humane act is our  obligatory  part

When animals  in distress for help cry
Species gather in hordes to address and try
At personal risk and danger  attempt to save
Unmindful of perils digging their own grave

Humans often avoid and take to  flight
Own safety consider paramount ,risks no delight
Intelligent humans  from animal species must learn
Address distress calls respect,gratitude  to earn

Consider privilege to address an  urgent need
Not motivated by publicity ,material greed
 Ingratitude cautions recurring pain to  endure
Bible reminds of gratitude of one , out of ten leppers who  received cure

Charitable, acts of kindness  don,'t count and  indent
To recall  time, resources efforts spent
None is expected to recount what did  with every cent
Where the spender wanted sure it went

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


The purpose and aim  is self satisfaction
The bye product may  be appreciation
Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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