"Silence is golden" is a well-known proverb that emphasizes the value of
quietness and restraint in certain situations.Silence is synonymous with
poetry of listening.Silence nourishes wisdom. and enhaces strength .Silence
does not provide ammunition for counter attack.Silence remember is the
trait of wise.It provides  the garden of thoughts and not everything you
know need to uttered. Reacting or responding in haste ,will be forced to
repent at leisure.Silence irritates a fool to act in haste.Silence indeed
covers you with honour better than speech . Silence helps togather the
thoughts .Govt. often reacts late to any contetious situation not providing
emotional fodder to the protesters.IAS officers are known to buy time by
delibaretly postponing reactions.Psychiatrists  being good listeners  help
patient to seek self solutions It can be  sometimes be misinterpreted  that
silence is consent.  It suggests that, at times, remaining silent can be
more beneficial than speaking, particularly when words might cause harm,
confusion, or unnecessary conflict.No wonder still waters run deep and
silence can disturb the opponents mind.Silence can be more devastating as
the course of  reaction is unknown.Say less than necessary ,specially when
silence is more powerful Best answer to anger is silence,counting ten is
merely delaying response
Shakespeare "silence often of pure innocence, persuades when speaking fails
better be a king of your silence than slave of your words.

In a world filled with constant noise, distractions, and
over-communication, silence holds a unique power. It offers a chance for
reflection, allowing individuals to gather their thoughts, process
information, and approach situations with greater clarity. Silence is not
merely the absence of sound, but a deliberate choice to pause, listen, and
observe. It creates space for introspection and understanding, fostering
deeper connections with oneself and others.

Furthermore, silence can be a powerful tool in communication. When used
thoughtfully, it can convey respect, patience, and wisdom. By choosing not
to speak impulsively, individuals can avoid misunderstandings or escalating
disagreements. Silence in the face of provocation can also demonstrate
strength and self-control, allowing emotions to settle before responding.

In relationships, silence allows for better listening. It encourages active
engagement with what the other person is saying, without rushing to respond
or interrupt. This attentiveness deepens the connection and shows empathy,
as it gives space for the other person to express themselves fully.

However, it’s important to note that silence is golden only when used in
the right context. There are times when speaking up is necessary,
especially when addressing injustice or important issues. But when words
are unnecessary or could lead to harm, silence indeed proves to be more
valuable than gold. It fosters peace, reflection, and understanding in a
noisy world...In court  we use the right to be silent  in our defence not
implicate ourselves .so too in any conflict or legal matters
Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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