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      Premiers at Masrah, Hawalli Auditorium, Kuwait on Aug 10, 2007


Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 00:36:39 -0400
From: "Bosco D'Mello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Vote for Parrikar
To: "Goanet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

On Tue Aug 7 13:43:37 PDT 2007, Miguel Braganza wrote:
Bosco writes
My dear Albert,

Why preach what you do not practice? Verify
YOUR facts before posting them on the Net

RESPONSE: Miguel, some months ago Albert threatened to bury his computer in
the cemetery. Its quite likely his plans were thwarted by the approaching
monsoon. Since you are in close proximity to him, once the weather improves,
please assist him in carrying out his threat.

When Albert writes about christianity, one wonders if Albert is a Christian.

When Albert writes about politics, one wonders if Albert lives in Goa.
George Pinto was right afterall - Nowithstanding living in Goa, does Albert
know what is going on in Goa?

- Bosco
Albert writes
The computer that I wanted to bury was from the cyberage scheme of the Goa govt but that I could give to the ghanti children to play because most of the computers are like that. I am not a hypocrate not to practice what I preach. Because I practice I like to tell you what is correct. I am for all purpose in Goa and know my geography and history very well. I do not believe in gossip to blame parrikar or babush monserate just because the newspaper says so or my padre says so or the neighbour sitting in the bar in the evening from 6 pm to 10 pm says so or another neighbour who sits at the chai shop to sip hot tea and eat baji says so. I am a christian and lived with priests and nuns and christians and hindus for thirty long years and worked with them and know everything of which matter they are made of . I have also discovered why your bishop wears a red cap and also found out why in the past padris used to receive a crop cut in the size of a coin on the back of their head. At least my name suggest that I am a christian may be outstanding christian probably because of my presence outside the door of the church /I am a person who likes to watch Miracle net though some holy people have instructed me not to, and find statues are nuisance in the church as their presence is not according to God's will. I have also discovered that those who write big stories about the politicians do not know where the Assembly hall is situated and many of them do not know why they are called goans. Many people prefer congress govt because of their selfishness. If any one of our goanetters have ample proof to say Parrikar and Babush Monserate are evil forces in goa let them write it openly in the net giving evidence for their actions? just not write something wild in the air. This is the reason why Mapuca is stinking today . It is because of this attitude that catholics are seen in courts everyday fighting against themselves and divorces are on the increase because goan catholics are philosophers who roam with lighted lanterns in the day and go without it at nights

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