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 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

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Dear Selma,
Goan men are indeed great hosers! Among the best erosive artists.
Concrete watering/watering the concrete, as one may put it. No wonder
our edifices are visually lamenting against their wanton splashes. Now
allow me an aside, regards our women, in that they prefer watering
trees (except if its a late night party). Their particular concern
was/is for the coconut tree followed by the fruit trees, and yes the
tamarind, and then the shrubs. Besides these spirited ones with
muscles of steel are practically extinct. Presumably complications at
deliveries were quite rare in days gone by, on account of said
musculature. Now a days with thousands of step-ups, other esoteric
practices, including the occasional marathon—one is not quite assured
a hassle free delivery.

On Taxes:
The problem with the taxes is that, although taxes are paid—amounts
are not allocated commensurate with the issue at hand. So in New York,
a subway fare hike is looming, rather than assigning more dollars for
public transportation. And so on and so forth. This is something that
blows my mind. What happens with the money? We can only speculate, but
I refuse to believe that the tax money is perpetually not enough,
whether be in Mumbai, Panjim or New York—taking into account the
disparae bases. But we all get tripped by the rhetoric.

Btw, I only recently realized that we are both on the same freaking
continent. Bye now.


Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
excerpted from her note:
Goan men are as handy with their hoses

Mumbai's municipal tax revenue is allegedly higher
than the entire country's put together and even they
have not be able to provide any sort of civic and
housing support to slum dwellers.

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