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On 14/08/07, Rajan P. Parrikar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> To Goanet -
> >The only source that is presented for this story is Organiser,
> >the RSS mouthpiece, which is hardly a epitome of accurate journalism.
> .
> .
> >This is the same outfit that discovered scientific evidence for blah blah
> Gadgil,
> Cut the RSS fellas some slack, will ya?  There's no need
> to gloat over this.  Everyone knows, and it is universally
> acknowledged, that in the department of of lying, fabrication,
> smearing, and propaganda, you Marxists have no peers.
> Have the sense to be gracious to the underdogs who stand
> no chance of attaining your high standards in this art.
> Warm regards,

RESPONSE: Hello, Rajan, first of all let us wish each other a very
happy and joyous 60 years of liberation.. a liberation that was hard
fought and for which a lot of blood was spilled especially with the

It seems to me that what you are promoting, is akin to what happened
during the partition, same as what the President of the USA is
intimating: you are either with us or with the enemy!

After sixty years and you having spent some time tin the USA one would
have expected better - your request to cut the RSS some slack, so that
they may get a breather and gather themselves to achieve their
ideology ?

This ideology is what most Hindus abhor - that of the Islamists hard liners.

You guys deserve each other, unfortunately many innocents get hit in
the cross fire.

Having abused, you then offer warm regards ? Please allow me to buy
you a beer or two when I come down to Goa..you really need the golden
nectar to lighten up.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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