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                             GARCA BRANCA
                        VACATION ACCOMMODATION
                         LOUTULIM, SOUTH GOA.
 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

    Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

Well said, Fred! I, for one, owe a lot to some wonderful people out there on
Goanet, who've reached out to me, so often --unconditionally.

"Frederick [FN] Noronh a * ?????? ?? ? ??????" wrote:

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * G * O * A * N * E * T **** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                              GARCA BRANCA
>                         VACATION ACCOMMODATION
>                          LOUTULIM, SOUTH GOA.
>  For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location
>     Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On 14/08/07, Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > the pun there) as any other. However, Frederick, the
> > world is not a caring and sharing place. It's as dirty
> > as a Sulabh toilet.
> Selma, I think you are just arguing for the sake of doing so ... as I
> sometimes do, when I'm bored here and need a laugh :-)
> Anyway, the record needs to be set straight. We're not talking about
> the world; we are talking about Goanet! Even in the world, there *are*
> pockets of caring and sharing. Even in the crab-like Goan world, these
> pockets do exist. We need to identify them, and nuture them.
> If you don't agree that this positive side exists, how would you
> describe the kudds of Bombay and of another century? How do you
> explain all that social capital being built up in educational and
> health institutions, that even today offer Goans (and the diaspora, in
> some locations) quality infrastructure at a pittance? How do you
> explain all those many initiatives in cyberspace, started by a state
> that is just one-thousandth the size of Goa?
> Goanet has been, and sometimes still is, a very helpful place. We are
> at the crossroads now. It is up to us to decide whether we want to
> keep it that way, whether we want to shape it into a more efficient
> organisation of that nature, or whether we just want to reduce
> everything to personalised I-hate-your-face-and-religion kinds of
> postings as we have seen of late.
> For long, I have maintained a 'folder' in my email software
> (Evolution) called "Goa Initiatives". Whenever I find someone
> proposing a good idea, it goes straight into that folder. I can assure
> you that it got filled with around 2000 ideas or emails over the year!
> Of small and larger kind.
> People used to be more helpful and less egoistical in cyberspace in
> the past. I recall how people like Eddie Fernandes helped my
> journalistic work with inputs of very useful information, gleaned from
> databases few of us had access to. I remember how unknown persons in
> Vienna delivered faxes (at local costs) taken off the net for me, when
> I was trying to get in touch with an organisation of oil producing
> countries that was to have a conference in Goa. I recall that
> initiative called the Goa Computers in Schools Project. Or take a look
> at George Pinto's Goa Sudharop, clearly influenced by friendships
> built in cyberspace too. We also tried to help when possible, small
> things like passing on messages, sending out news, or searching
> telephone directories for numbers required.
> People helping complete strangers, for no reason or motive, is a very
> inspiring trend. In a world quickly getting subsumed by selfishness
> (Ann Rynd would be rolling in her grave if she had to see how far we
> have all reached!), this is really something nice.
> What I mention is no myth. You can ask any of the old timers on this
> list, and I guess quite a few will argue. Yes, we did have our fights,
> our misunderstandings, and those things. But we also have all gained a
> lot from helpfulness on Goanet, and that's why I call it a tool for
> building social capital whenever I get the chance to do so! One day we
> will look back and realise the role it has played in linking Goa and
> Goans. FN
> --
> Frederick Noronha  Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
> P: +91-832-2409490 M: +91-9970157402
> Yahoo: fredericknoronha Skype: fredericknoronha GTalk: fredericknoronha
> 784, Sonarbhat, Near Lourdes Convent, Saligao 403511 Goa India
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                     **** http://www.GOANET.org ****
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Follow the online presence of the Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa
>  Contacts: Tel: +91 832 2285299  Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                 http://christianartmuseum.goa-india.org/
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

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    Follow the online presence of the Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa
 Contacts: Tel: +91 832 2285299  Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]



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