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Averthanus L. D'Souza.

The confusion in the movements of politicians among political parties is a 
symptom of the lack of understanding among these politicians of how a 
democratic system works. This, of course, is not surprising, given the kind 
of people who have dominated the political arena over the last few years.

By now it has become obvious to the citizens (hopefully) that most of the 
politicians who enter into the political arena do so only as an extension of 
their strategy to amass illegal wealth at the cost of the citizens and of 
the exchequer. These social parasites are driven by extreme greed and 
unrestricted ambition. The flip side of the coin is that the electorate also 
exercises its franchise in an unintelligent and highly uninformed manner. 
Most citizens want to "get their work done" by hook or by crook. Therefore 
they tend to support individuals who have exhibited the skills of "getting 
things done by hook or by crook." Greedy electors and greedy politicians 
form a perfect synergistic combination which is guaranteed to destroy real 
democracy. Goa has become a model of unprincipled and blatantly corrupt 
politics, in spite of being rated the first State in the country to have 
achieved the highest standards of literacy, health, infant mortality and 
fertility rates. There is certainly something very very rotten in the State 
of Goa. This can become an interesting field of research for students of 
political science. In the meantime, however, the magnitude of ignorance of 
the political processes, and the serious lack of ethical credibility is 
frightening, to say the least.

The time has come for citizens to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and 
to begin to assume responsibility for the horrid mess in which we find 
ourselves. There is no point whatsoever in blaming the politicians. Recent 
events have demonstrated, beyond any doubt, that we get the government that 
we deserve. What then, is the challenge before the citizens of Goa?


In all commercial, manufacturing or trading enterprises today, only 
qualified persons are employed. Office secretaries are tested for their 
knowledge of secretarial practice. Even the recruitment of peons in a Bank 
requires a graduate degree. Nothing less will be found acceptable. Why then, 
when it comes to electing people who will govern us and are required to 
administer justice, do we elect persons who are not only unqualified for the 
job, but are actually on the wrong side of the judicial divide? Enlightened 
citizens, civic societies and voluntary organizations do their utmost to 
inform citizens of the unworthiness of some individuals to be elected to 
membership of the Legislature. In spite of this, persons with proven 
criminal backgrounds are elected. Who is to blame?


Besides proper qualifications, many professional bodies require that their 
members acquire adequate experience "on the job". Thus in the legal 
profession, a qualified lawyer still has to do a term of internship. 
Similarly for the medical profession, no qualified doctor is admitted to the 
Medical Council unless s/he has fulfilled the internship requirements. The 
same is true for Chartered Accountancy and for other professions. We should 
treat our legislators with the same respect. No person should be elected to 
the Assembly (or to Parliament) unless s/he has the necessary (proven) 
experience. We can see on television the unruly and unconscionable behaviour 
of our elected representatives in the august precincts of the House.


Which brings us to the phenomenon of coalition politics and political 
alliances. In recent times, political parties have resorted to coalitions to 
be able to "prove their majority" in the House. The first deformity 
underlying this thinking is that a mere majority of numbers is sufficient to 
give sanction to a party to govern. True democracy is not just a government 
by force of numbers; it is a government which has the "ethical" right to 
represent the citizens. Coalitions are a mockery of democratic government. 
We need to evolve systems which will make coalition government impossible.

The recent formation of the Goa Democratic Alliance is a striking example of 
unprincipled politics which has overtaken Goan society. The coming together 
of totally unprincipled individuals for the sole purpose of overthrowing a 
duly elected government was a "conspiracy" of criminals - not a political 
alliance. An alliance implies that the parties which form an alliance have 
some common objective - quite obviously of an honourable nature. The Goa 
Democratic Alliance was concocted after an electoral process, and had only 
the dishonourable purpose of dislodging a government. The alliance did not 
have a common programme - and did not even attempt to formulate an 
alternative to the "manifesto" of the Congress coalition.

It is just as well, (and was predictable) that this unholy alliance has 
fallen apart. Let us hope that Goa will not see such unprincipled alliances 

Averthanus L. D'Souza,
D-13, La Marvel Colony,
Dona Paula, Goa 403 004.

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