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Dear Rajan Parulekar,

I have viewed your photo exhibition while you were in Goa last year
and early this year. I presumed that your similarity with Manohar
Parrikar brand of ideology ended with the commonality of your surname.
Perhaps I was wrong. Or perhaps you are only over-reacting to a
percieved Commie attack ...like the Yankees in Vietnam, Afganistan and

Oh sure, I know that you are not a Catholic and that you believe that
Dharma yudh is different from Crusades and Jihad. It does not really
matter.Largely atheist Portuguese converted many of your kind into
catholics and gave them positions of power as the village Vicars. It
is just one step from the jungle to the zoo. The advange of the zoo is
that one does not have to hunt for food nor fend for oneself against
one's enemy: the Zoo warden takes care of all this! Endangered species
like the Cheetah, though related to the royal tiger, survive almost
exclusively in one zoo or the other.

I heard Prof. Ram Puniyani this evening as I have heard Manohar
Parrikar a number of times. Both come out of IIT-Powai but one was a
student of metallurgy and the other is a teacher of Biomedical
science. The difference is between metal and flesh... cold steel and
warm blood. People still want to hear what Puniyani has to say. Even
Babush Monserrate and Mummy Victoria have stopped listening to Papa
Parrikar. So there!

You wrote, "Hindu-hating comrades, world champion
liars and fabricators of Indian history, whitewashers of
crimes committed against the Hindus by Islamic and
Christian religious warriors of the past, now prattling
about "selective historiography"?  You can't say these
perverts don't have a sense of humour."

So what would you call the infamous VCD "Goa Freedom Struggle"?
Perhaps, you could join the 'Juke Box' Remo Fernandes and call it
"Historically correct" as he did on the eve of the 02 June elections.
It is easy to reject the "Rajya Puroskar"...what is a measly
Rs.50,000/- to what was spent by the DHS on his 50th birthday music
concert and by ESG for his IFFI performance in Panaji? There are
plenty of people in Goa who want to know to which charity Remo gave
the Rs.3.00 lakhs from his IFFI fee ...and when. It will never compare
in a lifetime to what Warren Buffet or Melinda & Bill Gates dole out
in a day from their "Foundations" but, still, it would be nice to know
from the horses mouth.

Is that another Commie , commie ...chameleon, too?

Perhaps, you will separate the myth from the fact about the
parthenogenesis of the elephant god that even had Shiv confused. It is
easy to criticise the religion of another and mix a colonial power
with a religion. Ashoka was a saint in Kalinga and Gazni was a
barbarian in Somnath. Shivaji tricking and killing Abdul Fazl was
heroic; Aurangzeb trying to kill Shivaji is unforgiveable. How
different are we from Dick Cheney, really? Perhaps , you need to
listen to Ram Puniyani, too. You can decide whether to accept his
arguments or not.

Mog asundi



I do NOT subscribe to the Communist philosphy...  write with my right
hand and travel in "right hand drive" vehicles ....lest you club me
with the Lefties ;-(

It is another matter that, on Indian roads, left is right and right is
wrong and in 60 years of Indian democracy we have not had a single
interuption by a rightist dictator...... unlike Pakistan  where,
incidentally, right is right and left is wrong ;-(

From: "Rajan P. Parrikar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] "Terrorism: Myths and Facts" Mapusa, 18 August,

>Citizens' Initiatives for Communal Harmony
>cordially invites you to A Public Talk on the subject
>"Terrorism: Myths and Facts"
>Prof. Ram Puniyani
>Municipal Hall, Mapusa, 18 August 2007, 5.30 pm

Our Leftie pals are at it again and it looks like they
have roped in innocent non-Lefties to their Augean
stables.  The commie spiel about the "myths" and
"facts" of terrorism may be distilled into one para:

Terrorists come from all religions.  We commies are

deeply hurt that all the rest of you have been hallucinating

and pinning the blame for all the world's terrorism on

members of the "Religion of Peace" (aka Islam).  It is our
sacred duty to provide balance and present to you "facts"
of Hindu terrorism.  Hindu terrorists are a great danger
to civilization and are responsible for subverting
democracy not only in India, but in Pakistan, Saudi
Arabia & China, those scintillating paragons of
democracy and religious tolerance.  And mind you,
we reserve the right to call whomsoever we wish
a Hindu terrorist.  In fact, any Hindu with a potential
to grow a spine is a Hindu terrorist in our commie book.

  Hindu-hating comrades, world champion
liars and fabricators of Indian history, whitewashers of
crimes committed against the Hindus by Islamic and
Christian religious warriors of the past, now prattling
about "selective historiography"?  You can't say these
perverts don't have a sense of humour.

The collusion of commie quislings with the Brits to thwart
India's freedom is a shameful chapter in Indian history,
but I suspect you didn't hear of it in your history class.
Now their mongrel heirs lecture us on the virtues of
democracy.  How cute is that, eh?

I will be going out of town tomorrow and will be back
for Ganesh Chathurthi, the, er, saffron festival.

Meanwhile, may a million trees bloom on Goanet

nourished by the scent of the Perfusser's manure!

Warm regards,


Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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  • [... Miguel Braganza
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया

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