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To Goanet -

Miguel Braganza wrote:
>I have viewed your photo exhibition while you were in Goa last year
>and early this year. I presumed that your similarity with Manohar
>Parrikar brand of ideology ended with the commonality of your surname.
>Perhaps I was wrong.

I didn't know I had to follow the "brand of ideology" subscribed
to by Miguel Braganza to be considered a tolerant, model citizen
of Goanet and the world.  Which amendment of the Goanet constitution
should I be looking at for confirmation?

>So what would you call the infamous VCD "Goa Freedom Struggle"?

I would call it a sloppy, amateurish, third-rate piece of work.
Parrikar's error lay not in his intent of producing the VCD
but in entrusting it to morons to execute it.  If Parrikar
ever returns to power he should be urged to make a new VCD - one
that comprehensively shows the documented Portuguese-Christian
religious bigotry, savagery, and chicanery of the past.  There
is no need whatsoever to pepper such a documentary with
half-truths and lies (that is strictly the job of Anand
Patwardhan and the commie lemurs).  The truth is horrific

>Perhaps , you need to listen to Ram Puniyani, too.

That would be the sound of the toilet flush.  I have
known of comrade Puniyani and his bile-spilling breed
perhaps before you first saw a computer on your desk,
and have a comprehensive understanding of the pathetica
he represents.

This Perfusser with a Hindu-sounding name is a darling
of you Catholics because he will say exactly what
the Christian community wants to hear (namely, a catalogue
of Hindu misdeeds against the minorities in India) cleverly
disguised with 'balance.'

>I do NOT subscribe to the Communist philosphy...  write with my right
>hand and travel in "right hand drive" vehicles ....lest you club me
>with the Lefties ;-(

There is no danger of that.  On this day, in the 2007th year
of our Lord, may it be known that Miguel Braganza is
not a Leftie:-).

On a serious note, if we are to work towards salvaging
Goa, there will have to be cooperation between the two
sides - 'your' side and those of us that like the 'other'
party/"ideology."  We will have to keep aside political
differences and have fruitful engagement.  Fellows like
me are not going to go away or be shamed into silence
or take all the anti-Hindu Christian propaganda lying down.
We may not post to Goanet regularly, or at all, but that
would mean nothing.

If you want to hear only pleasing things from Goan Hindus,
you already have your model Hindu boys here to satiate
you with a supply of bon mots.  But if one wants
to work towards a better understanding, it is precisely
those with whom one has severe differences that one
ought to talk to.  Or do you think we are all mini-Hitlers?
The H-word would render your task facile.  No need to
say anything after that.  End of argument.  QED.

To have even a ghost of a chance at resuscitating Goa,
you WILL HAVE to work with those squarely in the
opposite camp or risk being condemned to insignificance
in the not-so-distant future.  Shri Noronha may call
this "playing on Catholic paranoia."  I call it the
onset of reality.

Currently, the GBA is a mostly-minority group with
limited muscle.  As I have been saying for a while (and only
now the GBA has woken up to it), all that Regional Plan hoopla
has done very little to stem the rot (you have to know
the tactics of Digu and JP Singh to know the finesse with
which they have fooled the GBA).

To be effective, the GBA's footprint will have to be widened
twentyfold and people from the interior (many of whom
hew to the "ideology" you abhor) brought on board.

This poster wants the Christian community and its
culture in Goa to thrive alongside that of the Goan
Hindus, for he loves Goa just he way it was at the
time of Liberation.  Is this "ideology" extreme enough
for you, Miguel, or should I kick it up a notch higher?

Warm regards,


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