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Congratulations, Goanet on your 13th Anniversary!

My cordial and grateful thanks to the founder of Goanet, Herman Carneiro, the volunteers of goanet, the writers (posters) on goanet and finally the READERS of goanet and also not-forgetting the donors of time and money and contributions to goanet, who have kept it going for so many years.

This is one of the most popular goan forums I know which has been helping Goans all over the world keep in touch with all things Goan.

Even after the spate of repetitive Goan garbage spewing on this forum, we still find solace in accessing the classy A1 photo/video contributions from goanetters like joegoauk, nice posts from people like Miguel Braganza, George Pinto, Pravin Sabnis, Vidyadhar Gadgil, Santosh Helekar, Valmiki Faleiro, Mervyn Lobo, Frederick Noronha, and constructive corrections from Jorge Abreu, among others. (I hate to name names, but...I can only remember these names at this time.).OK, now how
can I forget the beautiful prose from Senhor Roland Francis, right guys?.

I must say I don't appreciate the extremists on both sides of the religious/casteist divide. On the other hand regular uninteresting posts do make it a boring forum. So make it more exciting but not hateful.

I must thank Bosco De Mello for taking so much time volunteering and moderating for goanet and working for other other Goan causes.

Goanet, you have shown that you can do for Goa what the billionaire Goans in Goa like Dhempo, Chowgulo, Salgaonkar and others couldn't - give common Goans a place on the net to vent their opinions on things Goan.

My thanks to all Goanetter posters (even though the ones I don't like for spewing your hate on goanet) for contributing on this Forum. I encourage the hidden poets and writers to come out on goanet and write - you can compliment or criticize - but PLEASE DO NOT SPOIL THE CHARACTER OF ANY PERSON ON THIS FORUM.

I hope I don't live to see goanet off the internet ever!

I read most posts on goanet (sometimes just glance in passing) every day of my life since I have been on the internet!

My hats off to the goanetters who take time to edit their posts before they hit the send button. It shows you respect the readers! Also please try to restrict your posts to a minimum size and number. Remember Quality, not Quantity! Size does not matter! Think of the hard task of the moderator. They have to filter out 200-300 posts everyday. Posters who write 3-5 posts every day should be mandated to volunteer to do this job to realize how difficult this job is.

My compliments to Konkani contributors like Lino Dorado, who writes his regular Sunday articles and other poems, and also to Domnic Fernandes, Sanny Vaz, Eddie Verdes, A. Veronica Fernandes and others including Jerry and Avelino and Gaspar Almeida for his inclusion of Goa-World contributions on this forum.Sorry again if I forgot others. All of you make Goa proud with your love for Goa, its culture and our language, Konkani.

This forum is the only thing we can call our own!
My final thanks to "The Unknown" Warriors for the cause of Goa!
Keep it up!

Remember we live on this Earth for, at the most, 100 years, may be! So live and let live and don't hate a human being. Enjoy and leave a legacy behind!

Silviano Barbosa
August 25th, 2007

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