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> Dear Shrikant,
> >From where did you get the THEORY that the Aryans pushed the
> Dravidians to the SOUTH??? That is a misconception, perhaps wrongly
> circulated in the past.
> The Dravidians of Gondwanaland occupied the WHOLE of the peninsular
> India even before the Gangetic Plains were formed. The Aryans only
> partly displaced the Dravidians to make place for themselves all over
> the place.
> Or would you like to suggest that the Aiyars and the Nairs of the
> South are Dravidians? The Aryans are there in the South ...but notin
> great numbers.
> Mog asundi.
> Miguel

RESPONSE: Who wrote what ? Miguel you have caught the bull by the tail
instead of the horns...Shirkant was in accord with what you
wrote..yes, no man?


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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