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                             GARCA BRANCA
                        VACATION ACCOMMODATION
                         LOUTULIM, SOUTH GOA.
 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

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Never a bean off our sole coffee tree in Goa, the birds got the little buds 
at sundown !

Thanks to Ven for intervening, and the 'scan' on my mental gyrations. You 
did try, Venni, but I am not able to give our friend in Britain the time i 
cannot spare, and i am not the  windmill that confronts his lance. The last 
time around, our 'Sancho' diverted a very busy Santoshbab into working on 
his epic, of which we am very proud, but Sant probably wants to pound me for 
the provocation. Piety went to school when it was headed by Ildeafonso, and 
the  Farias and Nobays probably revive unpleasant memories, but his campaign 
today can be compaired to Russian/Polish anti-semitism -- there are no Jews 
left to villify !  For better or for worse, few Brahmin priests, bhatcars or 
overseers survive today, and sadly, their daughters are being filched by 

 I was numbed when i saw the Vietnam figures on Goanet.  Some of it reflects 
the activities of their people who have returned home after a stint in the 
West. I believe the same phenomenon is at visible in India. Mozambique, with 
its Durban based Parsee and Gujarathi planters, was once synonymous with 
cashew nut production.

 The Quilon family are Pillai, their face to us was Rajan Pillai, the London 
based prodigal son. He further cemented the seventy year ties with 
Planters-National Biscuit ( Nabisco-US ), and was, shall we say trustee, to 
a one hundred million dollar Ross Johnson stash in Singapore. Ross was the 
RJR honcho, and the 'barbarian' of the bestselling 'Barbarian at the Gates'. 
The Britannia acquisition was a joint deal,  but PIllai double crossed, and 
Ross bought a fraud conviction, in Sigapore. Rajan fled to India, only to 
become a bigger target: seized when he refused to play, it is believed the 
political price was fifty million, he was allowed to die in a prison sell of 
a mysterious bleed - who can forget the pictures that were published in 
Delhi.  Venn, your buddy Stan had a role there, write me direct !     Eric. 

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