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                         LOUTULIM, SOUTH GOA.
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I am not certain if your potshot at Selma was necessary. My guess is
that Hazel never signed up for this mailing list. Maria and Lucia
might have been subscribers at one time. Ulysses pokes his head in
every once in a while. Last I heard he was working on putting some
Konkani music on an Internet radio station.

All of them (except Hazel, perhaps) were on the IRC channel #goanet
which was a precursor to this mailing list.


--- Roland Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Peter,
> I cannot say about Ulysses Menezes, but for sure
> Maria, Lucia and
> Hazel have been driven away by the overpowering
> presence of our alpha
> female Selma.
> My theory, at least.
> Roland.

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